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Farkle's POV:

When you have a fight with you bestfriend, what do they do?

a). Cry
b). Shout at you
c). Question their friendship with you
d). Or all of above?

You see, I always believed that there would be another option. An option in which could happen right now at the snap of my fingers.

After our fights, we would say sorry to each other and hug it out. That's what should happen, right?

I mean, unless you have a fake friend, that's when the options are closed.

Having friends are like having a diary, you cherish your moments together and make sure that it's always safe. But the minute you lose it, all of your secrets - they will all be said out loud.

But back to the point, Riley and I were aruging. Like our lives depended on it.

Riley's hand was near my face, I close my eyes - expecting a pang of pain to hit my cheek but nothing happened.

"Farkle..." I hear a sob infront of me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Riley's hand stopping near my face, no touching me.
She-she didn't slap me?

"Farkle, he wouldn't do that."

"Riley, it's true." I say, telling the truth but all I could see from Riley's face was just the words:

I don't know who to trust.

"You're lying, you're lying!" She sobs, shaking her head - trying to believe that her boyfriend wasn't like that, that he loved her.

"I'm not, I'm telling you the truth,"

"No you're not!" She says in disbelief, as a result making me just scoff.

"What do you not  understand? He's cheating on you!" I reply in more anger, "I am just being the true friend I was!"

[ F L A S H B A C K ]

When they were both 14 years old:

My eyes notice a special purple room's window open, I climb onto the ladder and walk into the room through the window to see a Riley sitting crossed legs on the floor. Her hair was half up into a bun and down, her head turns around and her eyes lock into mine. A smile forms onto her face, melting my heart with sweetness from her smile. She moves nearer to me as I sit down on the floor.

"Hello Farkle," She says with a smile.

"Hello Riley," I say happily, but then I realises, she was smiling a little too much for my liking. A little too much that it's suspicious.

"Riley, your sad. Tell me what's wrong." I tell her and she rolls her eyes before pouting and lying her head onto my lap.


"Riley Matthews, or else I'll tell your dad that you lied to him about studying that one time but you copied off Maya on the Spanish test." I blackmailed her, so that she would tell the truth. She gasps at what I said.

"You wouldn't..." She gasped, with my left eyebrow raised and a smirk planted on my face, I replied shouting, "MR MATTH—"

I care about you (Riarkle) [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now