Chapter 4

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In the past two weeks since Michael had begun his sign language class, him and Emily had stopped their dance lessons. In her opinion—which Michael learned was easier to just follow, instead of argue—she thought that dancing would be a waste of time now that he had already learned to waltz, and that more important activities should be done.

Everyday from 9:30-11:30 Michael had class and Emily would teach her morning lessons. They would meet up for lunch afterwards and talk about anything any everything. So far Emily had yet to mention any other plans to complete his bucket list, but whenever she looked at Michael there was always that secretive glint to her eyes.

Soon enough lunches turned to both lunch and dinners, followed by going to Michael’s apartment and continuing to talk well into the night. Emily was the closest friend Michael had ever had, and he was beginning to put all of his trust into her. She didn’t push him for information when he started to close off, and she always waited for him to be ready to talk. Despite her bubbly personality Emily was completely content to just sit in silence with Michael and listen to music or watch a movie.

In turn, Michael was the most important friend that Emily had ever had. She had always been a very free spirited and outgoing person – never having any trouble making friends. However, she now realized that she had never learned how to be a good friend. She didn’t have any friendships that lasted, always flitting from one new person to the next. In Michael, Emily found what she had always needed – stability.

Michael was the kind of person that once he put all of his trust in you, he would never abandon you. Emily realized this and for the first time in her life finally felt complete. There were no urges to run away or find someone else. It was as if they were soul mates, in the completely platonic sense. Michael and Emily were stuck with each other for life, and no matter what the results of this were, they each now had an understanding that they would get through it together.

Utilizing the trust that Michael had in her, one Friday night Emily convinced Michael to come out to a bar for dinner with her. She promised he wouldn’t be expected to drink alcohol, but was very tight lipped about what kind of bar this would be.

The bar was about seven blocks from the dance studio, in a very remote location that Michael normally would never pay any mind too. The door had a simple sign above it—“Ritchie’s”—but once they walked in he realized immediately what was going on.

“No way,” Michael protested, trying to free himself from Emily’s now tight grasp on his arm.

“Come on, this was on your list you can’t even say no!”

“Yeah, but it was just a-“

“Don’t you dare pass it off as a joke Michael Thomas Adams. You put it on your list and I promised that we would complete this list,” Emily said in a forceful tone. “Now do you want to make this easy, or do you want to do it the hard way?”

There was a moment of silence between them as Michael considered his options. He could try to get away, but Emily was much stronger than she looked and could definitely bring him back. There was also the fact that Emily was right; even though he was basically scared out of his mind, he knew he would regret not doing it.

Michael let out a large sigh and Emily squealed, knowing she had won. “Okay! Just take a seat somewhere and I’ll sign us up!”

“Nothing too extreme,“ he tried to tell her as she walked away, only being acknowledged by a wave of her hand.

After about five minutes Emily joined Michael by the table that he had chosen, right in view of the stage. “God I just love karaoke night,” she said as she sat down. “Something about people completely making fools of themselves puts me in such a great mood.”

“Yeah, really not making me feel better about the whole thing,” he muttered.

Playfully Emily reached up and ruffled his hair. “Oh come on Mikey, you’ll have a great time I know it!”

“Stop- touching me,” Michael said as he swatted her hands away. “And for the love of God, don’t call me Mikey.”

Emily stuck her tongue out like him and was about to retort when they heard a voice announcing their names.

“Well, that was quicker than I thought,” he said, most of the color draining from his face. Seeing his immediate hesitation, Emily grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the stage. “Uh, what song did you end up picking?” he asked nervously.

Smirking, Emily just replied, “You’ll see” before the music itself started. It took about ten seconds before he recognized the song, and then it took all of his willpower not to face palm at her choice. Before he could say anything however, Emily started singing.

I hear the ticking of the clock

I’m lying here the room’s pitch dark…

She was the picture of confidence, immediately strutting around the stage and singing her part. Michael had no idea her voice was so good, but he supposed it wasn’t all that surprising; it seemed as though she was just about good at everything. While he was lost in his thoughts Emily made her way towards him and pointed at him right before the chorus. Well, Michael thought, Here goes nothing.

Till now, I always got by on my own

I never really cared until I met you

And now it chills me to the bone

How do I get you alone…

The more he sang the more confident he became. Although he would never admit it to her Emily was right, and he was so glad he did this. Soon it was his turn to sing solo and everyone in the bar started cheering. By the second chorus Emily and Michael were jumping around the stage singing their hearts out.

All too soon the song was over and they were walking back off the stage with the sound of applause ringing in their ears. Emily caught sight of the large grin on Michael’s face and nudged his shoulder.

“Don’t even say it,” he warned, trying to take the smile off his face.

“I’m not gonna say it…” she replied, giving him a sideway glance before shouting, “I told you so!” and rushing back to their seat.

Michael just shook his head at his friend’s antics, following her back to the table. They ordered their dinner and ate in silence for a while, just watching the other customers try their hand at karaoke. Emily tried to persuade Michael to sing another song but he vehemently denied her and said that they were a one-song deal.

Eventually they finished their dinners and left the restaurant, Emily linking her arm with Michael’s as per usual. “So,” she said, “singing karaoke is officially crossed off the list.”

“Yeah it is,” Michael agreed. “Do I get to know what you have planned next?”

Emily let out a short laugh before looking at him with a smirk. “Not a chance,” she replied.

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