Chapter 5

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Hazel's POV

I arrived at the front door . Not really tired . I have high stamina okay 😎 kidding . I knocked the door waiting to hear- "HAZEL!" I heard my mom shout . She opened the door in a rush and attacked me with hit on my head "Ouch omma" I whined . "Where were you?" She said in a strict voice .

How the hell am I gonna answer this ? "Where were you?!" She said in a higher tone . "Omma I was late cause I needed to help ummm Minah cause she sprained her ankle so yeah" I 100% lied to her hoping she would buy it . "Hmmm fine come in before you get a cold " she opened the door widely .

"Okie" I said and walked in . "Omma don't be too scary will you?" I said . "How couldn't I maybe you were in detention or you were running away or you were smoking?! Or you were kidnapped or you were-" I cut her "omma"

"Sorry I just-- I don't wanna lose you or you getting in trouble" she said looking down . "Omma I'm fine okay you don't have to worry about me , I'm an adult" I said proudly . "No you're not . You're 17 years old , which means you're under my care for 4 more years " she said proudly .

My mom could be childish at times but I love her that way . "Omma where's sparkie?" I asked her . "Mrs Murphy had an urgent meeting at the vet so she bought him with her " I mouthed an o .

"I'm taking a shower " I told her and walked up the stairs . Headed to my room placed my bag besides my study table . I walked to the bathroom . When I was inside , I undressed myself (A/N:I don't know why I'm laughing)

After a 20 minute shower

I headed to my room , wrapped in a towel . I opened the door to find Sparkly , lying on the carpet . "Oh look someone's tired " I said as I walked to my closet . I opened it and grabbed a white oversized T-shirt and my favorite black wide pants .

I searched for my phone. Where is it ? I took out every thing in my bag still no sight of my phone . "Omma " I called out for my mom . "Yes" she answered . "Omma can you try and call my phone I can't seem to find it " I said a bit louder to make sure she heard me . "Okay"

I waited for my ringtone . Nothing . "Omma did you even called ?" I asked her . "Of course I did" then it hit me . OH FUCK I LEFT MY PHONE AT THE BENCH !!!!! I quickly changed my pants to skinny jeans . And ran out of room . Not to forget a jacket . with a hood . "Omma I left my phone at the park I'll be back fast " I said in a rush .

I ran to the park in a hurry . I maybe look like a crazy person but who cares I WANT MY PHONE!!!! I ran to the bench I sat just now . I searched everywhere . Under the bench , near the tree and more places that you don't wanna waste you're time hearing it . Then I suddenly slipped while fast walking . "Owww fudge it hurts" I said rubbing my butt .

No hope dude someone maybe stole it . I was about to tear up . okay I love my phone more than anything so don't judge me maybe not more than my mom but still!!! . I walked home sadly . 😩

Skip to the next day (A/N:I didn't want to write about her crying cause her phone is gone plus I need to do an update )

Minah's POV

I was walking around the hall with these love birds . I'm like a third wheel here . Where the hell is Hazel?? I don't even know . "Wonnie oppa I think someone feels uncomfortable" Ha ra unnie stated when she saw my face . "Ah aniya I'm fine " I said . "Don't lie Minah , I'm going by the way to help with the stage performance show we're having in a month " Won bin oppa said .

"Hehehe" "Okay bye oppa" Ha Ra unnie bid him . "Bye RaRa"he bid her as well. I faked puked . "You're just jealous unnie said . " Me? Jealous? Neverrrrrrr" I said while looking around . "Minah ! HaRa unnie !" Hazel popped out of no where . "Jungs " me and HaRa unnie waved at her .

"You can't believe what happened " she said sounding a bit sad . "I lost my phone !!" She whined . "That's why you didn't answer our calls " unnie said hitting her head. "Ouch that hurts unnie " she said rubbing her head while pouting ." At the moment I thought you were mad at me for leaving you yesterday" I said

"I'll never be mad at you" then suddenly the bell rang which means 15 minutes before class . "Guys I'm going to class don't wanna be late for class right ?" HaRa unnie and we nodded . "Bye see you later" she said and walked away . " Let's go jungs "

As we walked to class . Someone with a familiar voice called me and hazel . "Hey Minah and That girl " he said from a far . We turn our heads to see KIM TAEHYUNG !


He came closer and said . "Minah can I talk with your friend?" "Sure " I said quickly and ran to class leaving hazel with him . sorry hazel .

Taehyung's POV

"Ugh what do you want ?" She asked politely . "I didn't get your uh name yeah your name . " she chuckled . "Min Chan or Hazel " I mouthed an 'o' . "Oh yeah before I forget " I slipped my hand in my pocket to take out her phone . "I believe this belongs to you " I handed her phone .

Her eyes lit up in joy . "Omg my phone !!! You had it?!! Did you- Never mind . Thank you !!!" She was so happy . Cute . "Yeah I had it . You better go to class before you get detention" "Thanks again bye Tae or V !" She said and bid me.

I smiled and bid her as well . "Bye hazel" . she is just too perfect to be true . I thought in my head . Without knowing I giggled to my self . "Why are you giggling hyung?" Someone said startling me . "Ah !" I said and hit that person . "Ouch hyung!!!!!" Jungkook whined . "Yah you scared me !"

"And you hurt me ." he said dramatically . "Hahaha so funny , hey aren't you supposed to be in class " I raised an eyebrow . "I'm skipping don't tell jin hyung" he begged . "I'm skipping too let's go to the rooftop ?" He nodded and we walked to the roof top .

When we arrived I sat near the edge . Then I remember what happened yesterday . I had fun with her . I hope she feels the same tho . Jungkook sat next to me . "kook do you know someone named Min Chan?" I asked since her name was familiar. "Hmmm maybe - wait are you talking about Jung Min Chan?" I nodded .

"I remember hearing slut saying that she hates her . Oh and didn't she reject Kang jun ? She was the first girl to reject him . Ah yes and Min Chan is kinda famous with the teachers since she's nice , polite and smart I guess . Why hyung ? You know her ?"

Should I tell him ??? "I bumped into her just now .I saw her name tag and it just sounds familiar " I made up a lie . "ohh ....... So hyung why were you giggling?" Oh shot . "Nothing" "You're weird hyung "he said ."I was born weird kookie "

"Yeah I know that ."

Hey guys sorry for the short update .I just need to update . for your info I update on Saturday and Sundays . thanks for waiting . Hope you like the story . Support me too Anyeong ...

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