My Memory

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The winter breeze was cold against my skin and it was refreshing to my lungs. I was singing in the car waiting for my dad to finish his boring speech about depression while driving when my mum and my sister were pretending to put attention to him. Who even cares about depression in this family? It's not like someone is going to have it, I kept thinking to myself. To bore myself out, I started figuring math problems in my head. Mostly trigonometry. "Leyla, can you be a little bit quieter please?" My dad asked me suddenly. I was zapped out of my math trance. It took a second for me to understand what was going on. I didn't realize that I was singing so loud. "Sorry, my bad." I told my dad.

"Got lost in your own, lonely world, Leyla?"

"Oh, shut up, Marilyn. At least I get better grades than you." I snapped back at my sister. She sunk back in her seat next to me in the back. The perfect supermodel slouching. I wish I had her body. She was just so perfect. "Calm down girls. I don't want another fight. I just came back from Ireland and I'm tired. Don't ruin my day." My mum said. In Michigan, it was boring for me. Me and my sister have never been outside of our state. My dad always said, it's good to memorize every inch of your hometown. Yeah, I think I have already. I mean, I was born here and 16 years after, I'm still here, even though I can assure you that I can walk from my house to school with my eyes closed. My sister is one year older than me and she is going to graduate next year, even though she still has not decided what she wants to do. I'm thinking about it every day she says. Yeah right. All day, she's on her phone texting with her friends.

I looked out the window again and I imagined myself graduating. My chin held high and getting prepared to throw my hat. All my grades in school have been straight A's. My mum and my dad have always been proud of me, and the school principal can assure me that he will help me get in any college that I would like to go. Because you are a special student, he always tells me. I don't believe in any of that crap. I study everyday really hard and my results are fantastic. Practice makes perfect. The only class that I do not like is history, but still, I work hard.

Everything changed in just a second. I heard Marilyn scream and I turned my body to face her. Big mistake. I heard my whole leg crack and I screeched in pain. The shock of the other car was so powerful, I was lucky that I survived. Even though I had all the pains in my leg, I pushed myself to the front to see if my parents were there. The other car had covered them both up. There was blood everywhere and I couldn't see their faces. This can't be happening. This must all be a nightmare. I can't lose my parents. I turned to my sister and I was happy she was breathing. I started screaming her name, "Marilyn, Marilyn! Talk to me!" She slouched and fell onto my shoulder. "No! Marilyn, you need to talk to me. I can't lose you too."

Marilyn groaned and opened her eyes a little, just enough for me to see the blue sparkle in her eyes. At least I was sure that she was okay. "You still have that brown sparkle in your eyes." She told me. Me and my sister were very different. She was a blue-eyed blonde and I was a brown-eyed with golden-brown hair. Why am I thinking this right now?! I am in a crisis moment here! I got back to focus. I struggled to open my car door until it finally opened. Once I got out, I pulled my sister out after me. I pulled her with me onto the snow off the road until our car burst to flames. And I didn't have time to pull my parents out with me.

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