My Suckish Life

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"Ahh!" I stood up panting and sweat was dripping down my face. In a moment, Marilyn was by my side and she started calming me down with her voice as soft as silk. Even though that I have been waking up like this every day at around 2:00 in the morning, each time, she always came to calm me down. "Same one?" She asked me. I nodded. She lowered her head and then lifted it back up to see into the depths of my eyes. I tried to get off my bed to go to the bathroom and when I tried, I fell hard on my butt. I groaned. "Leyla, all you have to do is get used to it," Marilyn started saying, "It'll feel right after a while." I rested my head against the bed. "Says you who has a perfect body and both legs." I somehow felt envy somewhere deep down in my heart for Marilyn. She had everything I wanted. Most of all being able to run. My favorite sport three months ago was volleyball. Until the accident happened.

I took a deep breath and tried to get up again. This time, I concentrated and after a few seconds, I was on my feet. Marilyn clapped and said, "Bravo, Leyla! You made it in record time!" She clicked off her phone.

"Seriously? You have actually been timing me each time I get up?" I was surprised. And annoyed.

"Yeah, I thought that maybe it would be nice to get up fast with basically no problems. I'm happy that you can do this on your own with your amputated leg. Get dressed ASAP and meet me downstairs to eat breakfast with Cassie. It's Saturday and this week you will be starting school. Cassie will just give you some more information about what the school is going to be like. Like you know, she will be able to help you. See you later!"

Oh no, not school! I have my worries that I can't avoid. No, no, no! What will they think of my amputated leg? Will anybody be my friend? Will a boy ever be interested in me? Ever since the accident, I have never been the same. I mean, who would? Both my parents were dead and I had to get my leg chopped off, but at least I saved my sister. I do feel proud about that, but what about my parents?

After that happened, the ambulance came and helped us. Like we had no more legal guardian, we moved to Switzerland with our closest friend, Cassie. She's 30 years old and has a girlfriend. Me and my sister have no problem of her being a lesbian, but it has all been a disaster since then because of everything that has happpend. We only moved here a few months ago. Marilyn left the room and I grabbed my clothes and tried to run to the bathroom. I failed. The carpeted floor got a hold of a piece of my amputated leg and I fell. Of course, I was used to this happening, but still, the silent tears rolled down my rosy cheeks.

Me and my sisters were always early risers and like I screamed like Hell each morning, Cassie has gotten the hang of it and she wakes up at the same time that me and Marilyn do. I mean, who gets up at 2:00 in the morning? Answer, no one.

As I got up, I picked up my clothes from the floor and started walking to the bathroom. When I got there, I slammed the door and let the tears flow. My life was heading the wrong direction. I can't control it anymore. It almost felt like the earth didn't need me anymore. I tried to push the thought away while I changed. Once I was done, I opened the door and found a piece of paper on the floor and when I looked at it more closely, it was my school schedule. Surely, it was Cassie who put the paper there.  I started to walk down the stairs slowly. I sneaked out of the house without Marilyn or Cassie seeing me with phone and wallet in pocket and jacket in hand. I started to walk slowly to the bus station across the street and then in a while a got to my favorite castle, Chateau de Chillon. It was always the best view I could imagine, and today it impressed me the most. I started walking towards the castle and then sat on a rock facing the lake. The sky was just pure amazing! I sat there for what felt like minutes, but was hours. I checked my watch and it was exactly 5:00AM. Three more hours till I had to be back and it took an hour to drive to what I now call home. I mean, I can't stay out of the house forever. Then there was this patter on the ground and I looked up. It was one of the hottest guys I had seen. I immediately looked away. The footsteps started walking towards me. My cheeks started to turn red. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the boy sit down on the rock next to me. I forced my neck to turn and face him and I attempted a smile. Yep, definitely the hottest. "Hi." That was all I said. Not like there was anything more to say. Although I said that in English. Most people here in this side of Switzerland speak French.

"Hey." He said. Woah, I'm even surprised that he even answered me. In English. "My name is Samuel. Samuel Carson. Are you new here?"

"Well, kinda. My name is Leyla Tremaine. What brings you here this early? I thought I was the only one that ever came out here at this time."

"Results are, your not."

Honestly, this guy was the best guy I've ever known. The only exception was my dad. Oh no, I need to hold back the tears.

"What happened to you leg?" He asked. I secretly swear to myself. After a sigh, I say, "I was in a car crash. Only me and my sister survived." Even though I said it as fast as possible, the tears started to come inevitably.

Immediately, his face changed. He leaned in closer and gave me a strong hug. Samuel separated himself after a while and started to wipe my tears away. Softly, I said, "Thank you."

"I'm very sorry for your loss. I lost my dad a few years ago on a bicycle. He was going to work and then this tram came and my dad had his headphones on. I know what it feels like. It's going to be okay."

"Thank you." I hugged him back. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Oh, don't worry about me. You have a fresh wound and I'm here to help you seal it. Are you going to school around here?"

I sniffed. "Yeah, I'm going to La Châtaigneraie. You?"

"Awesome! Me too. Then I can help you after school some days. Do you have a phone?"

"Yeah, I have it here with me."

"Cool. Can I have your number please?"

OMG. A hot guy is asking me for my number. "S-s-sure! It's +41(random number)."

"Ok, I'm gonna send you a message and see if you get it, okay?"

He started typing and after a while I felt my phone vibrate. I checked.

- hey Leyla. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.

I quickly texted back,

- dont be so sure about that

- oh I am 100% sure

- 😘

OMG. OMG. OMG. I just texted a boy that I just met and sent him a kiss! OMG I'm such an idiot. I looked up at him. "Sorry, I just felt like sending that. I'm sorry it was a mistake..." He cut my sentence short, "Everything is done for a reason." I was shocked at his response. Before I could reply, he leaned into me and kissed me. The only and most tenderest kiss I have ever experienced. He pulled apart and said, "See you at school."

My mouth was left hanging open. I could see him fading from my view and away into his direction. I stood up and started walking the other way. I would see him on Monday.

My Problems in Life (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now