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A/N: Don't hate on Jaspearl because it will be Canon, just you see ;-;

Lapis POV

  "Pearl? Answer me!" I shook her on the floor, the smell of vomit near that made me do weird faces.

I swear if she's doing this on purpose I'm gonna make her eat all that throw up back again. "Pearl c'mon!" I yell at her unconscious body as I attempt to slide my arms under her, for a skinny girl she is very heavy, or maybe I'm just too weak.

I stand, shaky knees barely keeping me up with the girl that I carried in my arms. The smashing sun was hitting down on us so if I wasn't here Pearl would've been bacon in a few minutes.

"Help!"– the words came out of my mouth numerous of times as I drag myself to the back door. I shift my weight to it and succeed to open it, but nobody was near so I had to bare with myself here.

I finally am able to run, run as fast as I can with Pearl. She was paler than pale, she was also very warm, how could she do this to herself?

"Ah yes!" I whisper as I come near the crowded cafeteria, I see Dash and Garnet in the distance. I was about to yell out their names but it would bring to much unnecessary attention from the rest.

"What happened?" A deep voice came from behind, I turn around and see the buff girl standing before me with wide eyes. "Pearl? Don't tell me she..." I nodded, in her Yellow eyes I could see how she shuffled up her thoughts in order to act. It looked like it wasn't the first time she's done it.

"Go get Garnet." She mumbled taking Pearl from me and picking her up with ease. I nodd and make my way through the stiff crowd.

"Watch it!"

"Excuse me?"

"Watch where you're going!"

I make my way and I finally reach to Dash, pulling on his hoodie he turns around quickly. "Oh hey, Lapis!" He greeted, I panted and just panted.

"Dash...Pearl...Vomit...Fainted..." I huffed, Garnet stood up by my third word, she pushed every single being in the crowd to make her way towards the lonely hallway where Jasper took hold of Pearl. I sprinted after her and Dash did as well behind me.

"Pearl you always do such drama." Garnet growled while passing her hand through the fainted one's hair. "Take her to the basement, she just needs some air." Garnet told Jasper. The white maned girl nodded and sneacked her way in to the same hallway.

"Go with her." She told us, me and Dash ran after her.

"Does she always do this?" I ask Dash while walking behind Jasper.

"Every time she eats? yes." Dash rolled his eyes "She just has this obsession." He sighed. So Pearl is Bullimic for what I see... I wonder since when, she looks like she's been doing it for some deep time.

The three of us went down a few stairs before heading to a point where it was a bit freezing. I shivered, "Where is this?" I look around the small hall that was full of photos and shelfs with old looking trophies.

"The basement, where the clubs are."

"This is the drama room." How accurate... Jasper pushed the doors and we all went in, me and Dash pushed two tables together and placed a backpack as a pillow. Pearl's body falling like a broken rug, she looked so fragile.

"She'll wake up." Jasper assured, Dash sat up on the table next to her.

"Ewww, her breath smells like vomit." Dash laughed fanning his hand before of his nose. And yes heeeuuuu it does smell like it.

The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora