Chapter 1: Angelina

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Angelina's P.O.V:
The sky was sunset pink, the cherry blossom tree was reaching out to the sky.
And me? Well I'm just here sitting in my room wondering what to do next. After a few minutes, I stood up and walked to my desk, which was filled with flowers and love notes from my middle school called Heavenly For the Heavens or like must of us call it HFH.
Scattering through my papers I find a list of the things I was supposed to do today. The list says 1. Clean room. "Check! It seems like I completed almost everything on my list. What should I do now?" I looked around my room to see if I could find any thing to do." That's it! I'll just create a song on my harp!". As I'm about to sit, father calls me with a worried voice, " Angelina!? Sweetie are you there?" " Yes? Daddy I'm here in my room" I responded with a confused tone. "Would you come down here, we need to talk about some changes." Changes?! What changes? Does it have to do with me, or is daddy leaving me like mom did? What's going to happen? " I'll be right there, daddy!" I responded and quickly went down stairs to find out what daddy meant be changes.

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