Chapter 7: Start of a new friendship

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Angelina's P.O.V:
It's already 5:00pm, and I'm still in my new bed room sulking in my bed. Someone interrupted me of my thinking, so I got up to open the door and I couldn't believe who I saw, it was the young boy. " Ummmm.... Hi! Ummm, can I come in? I just want to get to know you, you know since now I'll be your older brother in all" the young boy seemed in embarrassed, I could tell because since he was shuttering or that's just a problem he has. "Oh! Umm.....Sure! Please come in". An awkward silence killed the room, it felt weird. " So you came here to try and get to know me better." I had to break the silence it was getting uncomfortable." Yea! I did. So we could break the tension and the awkwardness in the house and maybe my, ummmm, our sister would want to get along as well. So what do you think?" I had to think about it, and a huge smile spreaded across my face, I had an idea for getting along." That's fantastic idea! Maybe we could start off with outside neighborhood activities around the city!" I had the perfect plan.
Devilina's P.O.V:
I was passing by and I over heard Jason and the girl talking about some getting along activities for us to do. So I did some ease dropping to find out what's going on, while listen I leaened the girl's name it Angelina it sounded similar to mine but mine had the word Devil and hers had the word Angel. My face started to hurt, all that leaning against the door hurt my face so I knocked on the door to get it over with and find out what going on. " Come in!" Angelina's voice was sweet and kind and sqeeky. I opened the door and saw Jason sitting on her fluffy pink desk chair and Angelina on her fluffy pink and white bed, I felt weird when I walked in cause they were staring at me. Jason had a huge smile smaking his face he looked stupid as usual. " So you decided to join our topic after ease dropping?" Jason had to ruin my vibe, " No I didn't tired....... It's just that my face started to hurt on the door. So I came in to listen better." Yea, I said all of that out load without hesitation. Angelina started to smile at the fact that I cared enough to ease drop and
Wanting to contribute." Well now that we're all here let's start brain storming about fun getting along activities.

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