☀ raw beauty

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she saw him standing there

with his signature smile
and his golden brown hair,

and wanted to ask him
why he was here. 

he saw her too

with her skin-tight dress
and her knee-length boots,

and from the distance he could smell
her alluring perfume. 

when he talked, she listened,

learning of his charming persona
and his rebellious nature,

realizing quickly that she was
falling for a stranger. 

but when she talked, he only stared,

at her bright, pink lips
and her ovular shaped breasts,

pondering of a thousand and one ways
he could get her out of that dress.

and oblivious she was,
to what was happening inside his head,

for he never cared to listen
to a single word that she ever said. 

he only saw her color,
her shape, and her perfect form,

while she listened to his laugh,
his interests, and his every word. 

For some people think of beauty
as much more than a creature's eyes, 

While others don't care to wonder
of the heart that lies inside..

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