Chapter 4

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Location:SM Dorms,South Korea
Time:18:00 pm

•Reader's POV•
The boys stopped at a door that said 365. Suho grabbed a key from his back pocket and unlocked the door.

I was amazed on how neat and big their living room is. I was speechless. Compared to my penthouse,mines is just sad. "(F/N) ready to eat?" D.O. asked while dropping his bag onto the couch. "Sure,what are we going to eat?" I asked while dropping myself to their couch. "(F/F)" D.O said while grabbing his apron from a hook  "YESS!! Thats my favorite food". D.O. didnt say anything and just went to the kitchen and started cooking.

            While Kyungsoo was cooking, me and the boys were talking and laughing and joking around until Baekhyun shouted "Lets play Truth or Dare!!". All the boys nodded in excitement while I nodded weakly. "Ok (F/N) you go first" and Baekhyun had this big evil grin on his face. I gulped and got nervous. "D-TRUTH!" I immediately shouted. I wanted to do dare but I was scared that I had to do something risky. "Ok then...who is your bias from the nine of us?" Baekhyun getting a little bit closer to me. I turned red and all the boys were looking at me,even Kyungsoo. "Umm.. I mean I love all of you equally" I said in a nervous but strong voice. "Oh ok then I guess" Baekhyun shrugged it off and turned to Kai. I zoned out on what was happening and looked at Chanyeol and Sehun who were sitting next to each other. Chanyeol was looking at Chen since its his turn with a depressed face. Sehun had that sad smile while watching his hyungs. I didnt know what was up with them but I am very worried.

•Chanyeols POV•
"Wait she loves us all equally?! Wait,What am I feeling? No I can't like her! I was just teasing her before. Ugh! Chanyeol,you have Natalie and you love her. You only met (F/N) today and yet you feel like this?! Aish! I wish I didn't have feelings for her"
I was thinking until Chen shouted "CHANYEOL!". "AISH! What?!" I shouted back but just a little softer. "Its your turn,truth or dare?" Chen asked with his normal voice. "Umm..Dare?" I hesitated but it was too late now. "So I dare you to kiss (F/N) on the cheek,I would've said the lips but you have a girlfriend" Chen said with a smirk. I wanted to slap him so bad but yet I wanted to do it to get it over with. I turned my head and saw (F/N) blushing and turning red. I got closer to her slowly,while she turned her head. I then pecked her cheek and quickly crawled back to my place. (F/N) covered her face while the other boys were fangirling over what just happened. "AIGOO!!!"All the boys shouted. Kyungsoo then called us to the table and brought down the food. I was about to sit next to Suho but then my phone rang. "Sillyehamnida (excuse me) I said then I walked to the living room. The caller ID was Natalie and I was kind of relaxed to finally talk to her today.

"Hey Channie!"

"Hey Natalie!"

"What are you doing right now?"

"Having dinner with the boys and a special guest"

"Could I come? I am seriously bored"

"Hold up let me ask"

   "Suho is it ok if Natalie eats dinner with us?" I asked with excitement. "Oohh! who's Natalie?" (F/N) asked with curiousity. "She's my girlfriend" I said confidently but happily. She laughed and continued eating. "Umm.. I don't know Chanyeol...I mean we have a guest" Suho said unsurely. The boys except for Sehun dislikes me dating Natalie but they don't show it in front of her. "Jebal! I want (F/N) to meet her and maybe be best friends with her,anyways maybe Natalie could help (F/N) with songwriting since Natalie is part of our songwriting crew" I reasoned. Suho looked at (F/N), asking for permission with his eyes. (F/N) nodded and Suho sighed. "Sure Chanyeol". I un-muted myself in the call then said

"Suho said sure"

"Yay! Be right there in 20 minute tops"

Then she hung up. "Wait Chanyeol,how do you know that I'm a songwriter"

•Reader's POV•

I waited for his reply. He looked at me with shock and anxiousness. "Jin told me through call and you're very famous for songwriting" he replied. I sighed then tensed up "Who's Jin?" I asked. I heard that name in the radio. All the boys looked at me with shock. "You are kidding me right?" Xiumin asked with shock. "Umm...","(F/N)!" Kai shouted with a breathy voice. "He's from BTS!The one we heard in the radio" Kai reminded me. I was clueless at first then I remembered.

*Ding Dong*

Chanyeol quickly ran to the door and opened it. "Hey Channie!" a girls voice said. "Hey Natalie! I am so glad you are here!" Chanyeol said with joy in his voice. Then a beautiful girl walked through the door and saw me.

She saw me and smiled. She walked up to me and said "Hey you must be their 'special guest',my name's Natalie" She then took her hand out to me. I shook her hand and said "Hi Natalie my name's (F/N)". She then look shocked and squealed. "THE ACTUAL (L/N)(F/N)!!" She shouted,"Aish Natalie! Tone it down a bit,people are trying to eat here!" Baekhyun complained. "Oh Mianhae Baekhyun" Natalie bowed, "Aahh,arraso just don't be too loud" Baekhyun warned. "Anyways,(F/N) I can't believe it! You are very famous with your songs that you write for people" Natalie said in a cheerful voice. "Yeah and I actually am applying for BigHit Entertainment to be a full time songwriter" I said in a calm voice.

"Really?! Thats really cool"

"Yeah I guess"

Then I just turned my head and continued eating until I was done. I was the first one to finish eating and to first one to leave the table. "Guys I have to go,my roomie might get mad at me for staying out too late" I said starting to get all my stuff. "Aww.. But we havent talked a lot tonight" Natalie said in a pouty face. "Sorry Natalie,maybe next time" then she grabbed my phone out of my hand and added her # in my phone. "There,don't forget to txt me" Natalie then handed back my phone. "Bye guys!" I then walked out.

      As I was walking out in the hallway,someone grabbed my wrist.

It was Chen.

"Chen what the heck? I need to go now"

He then pulled me to a hug and whispered in my ear

"I am the only one who is right for you".

I pulled out of the hug. "Don't forget that" he said and started walking back to the penthouse. I was speechless and thinking
Does he really like me? Was that a joke? What does he mean by that? He only met me that day and he likes me?!

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