Chapter 5: The Truth

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'M SOOOO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I honestly didn't mean for this to come out so late, but things have been really busy for me lately with my other activities (those being school and skating) and things just kept piling up. It got to the point where I kept telling myself to work on it but then would get stopped because someone would tell me to do something else... But anyways.

So this chapter is a little slow in my opinion, however, I think it needs to be. This next chapter or two are going to be like the calm before the storm, since I'm leading up to the giant climax, which if you've read about this story on my website you already know what it's going to be (sorry, spoilers!). In any event, I also introduce a few extra characters into the story in this chapter. At this point I do not plan on giving them a large part in the story, I might mention them briefly in future battle scenes (for example), however if you're at all interested in hearing more from them, I will take the time to develop their characters more and give them a page on my website. But like I said, at this point I don't plan on it, but I am giving you a say! If you want some of the characters I introduce here brought into the story more let me know, because right now, I'm just going to let them all share one page and briefly describe them, but not with as much detail as the others. Let me know what you think! But for now, let's continue on with the story!

I do not own Fairy Tail, I do however own any and all OC's, any magic I have made, and etc, etc, you know the drill! :) Enjoy!

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Chapter 5: The Truth

The group of mages continued to wander about in the streets of Magnolia, weary of what they did so as not to damage the flow of time or anything else of the sort. Although what they did here wouldn't really affect the past since it's already happened, but it was the future ahead of this one that concerned them. But besides that who knows, what if there were other wizards here that had already discovered who they were and were plotting to get rid of them somehow. That would affect the past and the future here at that point too. They all had to be careful of their actions.

The future guild members had told them that there were other members of the next generation of Fairy Tail, however many of them were out on jobs. When Mira insisted that they tell them who else had had children, they all had decided it would be alright. Elfman and Evergreen currently had only one son named Viridis, however Evergreen was 5 months pregnant with another baby boy. Viridis had gone out on a job to Onibus with Asuka, as well as Bickslow and Lisanna's kids. They had one son named Septem and a daughter named Vitae. In the meantime, everyone else was still trying to figure out what exactly was going on, and how to help their little "predicament".

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Lucy POV:

In the past hour or so since we got here, everything has pretty much settled down back to normal! Well, as normal as Fairy Tail can get anyways... There was fighting and chaos EVERYWHERE. Because of course one Natsu, Gray and Erza just wasn't enough. I sat at a table in the back with Wendy, Levy, Lisanna, and Evergreen. Erza had been with us, but left a few minutes ago to "break-up" the fight going on between some of the others when it had interrupted her precious reunion with her cake (uh-oh...).

The few of us seated there were still trying to take in the immense load of information that had suddenly been thrown at us. I couldn't believe that in the end I got married to and have k-k-k-kids with Natsu! I mean, it's not like I don't like him, we're best friends! He's sweet when he wants to be, he's strong, he's energetic, he cares for his friends, and he can be kinda cute... Okay, I admit it, I have sort of had a crush on him for a while, and although all the other girls at the guild had tried to get me to admit it and get together with him, I would always deny it. I didn't think he actually liked me back! I mean to be honest, sure I've gotten stronger in the last year since everyone's been separated, but I'm still just me! I didn't think that I was his type, and I figured no matter what I did, it wouldn't matter. But I guess I was wrong, and it kind of felt good to know that at the end of the day, I'm the one that he loves. It was still embarrassing, but it certainly did feel nice too.

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