S1 E3: Tell It To The Frogs. Part 1

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We followed behind Glenn's new ride for about an hour and 50 minutes before we started to climb up a mountain that led to the quarry where their group was situated.

Glenn finally slowed to a stop and so did we. Rick parked the truck and before anyone could get out morales clasped Rick on the shoulder and looked at us before saying

"come meet every body."

Andrea was the first to get out. A younger looking version of her ran up to her and embraced her in a hug. Next morales' little family came up to him. his son and daughter screaming "daddy!" his wife was crying. T-dog and Jacqui got off next, they didn't really have any family to reunite with so they just stood to the side awkwardly. Rick began to climb out and I took a deep breath before following him.

We weren't really expecting anything to happen but then a familiar voice screamed out


Carl and Lori.

Rick found his family.

Where was my daughter.

I waited for Rick to finish reuniting with his wife and child before I walked up to Lori. I embraced her in a hug.

"Where's Brittany?" I asked worried.

"Why do you look so worried?" Lori asked. "I told you I was gunna watch her and keep her safe and that's what I did."

Lori turned and led me to a dark blue tent that she said Brittany had been sharing with her and Carl.

Lori approached the tent and unzipped the flap.

"Brittany someone is here to see you." Lori said through a smile.

A girl who looked about 11 or 12 stepped out first and ran off to the woman named carol.

"Who is it? I'm trying to play Barbies with Sophia." Brittany's small voice said.

about that time Brittany stepped out of the tent. when she saw me she dropped her Barbie and ran straight into my arms.

"I missed you so much mommy!" Brittany sobbed.

"I missed you too baby." I told her while crying.

we stayed like that for a good while before Sophia came back over with Carl in tow.

"hey Brittany do you wanna come play with us?" Carl asked.

"sure! can I momma?" Brittany asked me.

"yes baby as long as you stay where Lori carol or I can see you." I told her.

after that she ran off skipping behind Carl and Sophia to play in a dirt pile.

I walked over to Rick.

"do you know where I'll be sleeping?" I asked him.

"well I would say you could stay with us but Brittany and Carl are gunna be in there and i don't think it's a good idea to separate them. and carols husband, Ed, is in the tent with her and Sophia. and everywhere else is taken. so you can either stay with Shane, Merle, or Daryl." Rick told me.

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