S1 E2: Guts.

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Ruby's P.O.V

A muffled "hey assholes." was heard through the radio. "yeah. you two in the tank." was what the person said next. but then he said "you two seem like you could use some  help. Just listen to me, and I'll get you both out of there. Hopefully in one piece."

The unsureness in his voice kinda made Rick and I uneasy. But we still decided to take his offer of help.

After a few minutes of arguing back and forth between the voice and Rick, we finally came up with a plan.

Rick and I were gunna open up the top of the tank since those bodies had lost interest and went to chew on what was left of the horses.

Rick climbed the latter to the top and I followed right behind him. Once he was up he grabbed my hand and helped pull me up. We both ran down the side of the tank only drawing attention to about 10 dead ones. Rick shot the ones that got too close as we made our way down to the Ally that the voice who we learned was named Glenn told us to meet him at.

We turned to the right to be met with a Korean looking man in his late 20s.

"Not dead!" he yelled when Rick pointed his gun at him

He quickly opened the gate and ushered us in side locking the gate after us.

The dead bodies soon caught up to where we went and a bunch of them started leaning and shaking the small fence like gate. It started to bend and that was our que to run because Glenn ushered us to a latter that he began to climb.

we made it to a small balcony to take a break.

The dead ones began to climb the latter like we did but unlike us only one could make it up the latter at a time. Glenn told us that we needed to climb to the top of the building and go down the other side to get to the rest of his group. He saw Rick and I's uneasy look on how high we had to climb.

"at least the fall would be what killed you." Glenn said with an awkward laugh.

We brushed off Glenn's comment and started climbing to the top and quickly made our away across the roof and onto the other side. Glenn grabbed a walkie talkie from his bag and radioed someone saying

"Morales open the door let us in."

Glenn became more and more anxious as dead bodies started coming down the ally.

There was a loud bag and then two men dressed in police armor came running out the door with bats and swung at the dead ones or "geeks" as Glenn liked to call them that got too close.

The two men rushed us into the door slamming it shut behind us.

As soon as Rick was seen by Glenn's group, a Blonde who seemed frazzled grabbed him by the shirt and put a gun to his head.

"You've killed us!" she exclaimed. "You've really killed us! you firing that gun all up and down the streets was like ringing dinner bells!"

After her little rant Glenn calmed her down but whispered "she's just in one of her moods" to me.

"So.." Glenn began awkwardly. "Who are you people"

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