oh man, religion

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Nope, I'm not gonna bash religion. I don't blame the religion on the actions of its believers.

But I am gonna talk about me.
Sort of believing there is a God.
I guess?

I've been agnostic athiest for several years and for a year now I've been looking back to religion like I want to convert. Concerning which religion, most likely Christianity, but I'm not disproving the existence of other gods? Man I have no idea. I'm confused.

I dabbled in Islam a year back. Read up on stuff. The believers are very kind, but I'm not sure that I feel like I fit in.

I was a Wiccan for a few years. Left that after I got anxiety and sort of blamed it. Looking back it was dumb to blame religion on that.


I'm just confused. Like I want to believe but after all these years it's hard.

Maybe what I believe in - some unseen and undetectable force - doesn't exist in any religion. Or maybe I have something to learn from all religions?

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