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The drive from Rome to Naples was largely uninteresting. Damien was driving, Adrian was sitting in the shotgun and I was near the window at the back with Isaac and Antonio.

I had to fight them for the window.

What!? I was in Italy with four guys from one of the most dangerous Mafia in our area!!

Well, I screwed up big time, didn't I?

Slowly the cities started to blend in with nature before vanishing completely. I guessed that we were now out of Rome.

There was more driving. I could feel Adrian's hostility. I narrowed my eyes. What an asshat.

Do you ever have a sudden burst of anger that comes out of nowhere?

Yeah, that was happening.

Suddenly his phone started ringing. Adrian pulled it out and answered it.


He looked behind to see if I was eavesdropping. No shit. We were in a closed car.

He frowned and switched to Italian. I guessed that this was the part of the Mafia I wanted to stay far, far away from.

Adrian's tone changed. His smooth voice became rougher, harsher. I didn't think whoever had called had done something good. His tone was downright emotionless. It sent shivers of fear down my spine. It was the scary calm angry, if you get what I mean. Like the calm before a storm.

What was going to happen to this guy? Flashes of smiles and slit throats came uninvited into my mind.

He disconnected the phone and sighed.

A heavy blanket seemed to drape over the car. I sensed that nobody was in a particularly good mood. Taking this deal was a big mistake.

"You can speak Italian?" I said, when the silence became unbearable.

I was trying to lighten the mood. It wasn't their ruthlessness that scared me. There were many people who were equally ruthless, but the power that they possessed? The power to act? That's what scared me. They'd taken lives. Even Isaac, I was willing to bet. They wouldn't have killed unless it was a last resort. That much even I could tell, without being a psychologist.

", mia cara, sei uno stupido, no?" He asked with a small smile. He was being sarcastic.

I love how you state the obvious with such a sense of discovery. I bet what he said was along those lines.

Damien, Antonio and Isaac started laughing, loudly at me. I felt my cheeks burning. I didn't even have a comeback because I wasn't even sure what the fuck he was saying. I got stupido. It was obvious. And as Adrian had kindly pointed out. I was good at figuring out the obvious.

For some strange reason, I felt bad. That everyone was laughing at me. I didn't like it when people joked about me, I had way too much pride for that.

Nobody in college or school had ever insulted my intelligence, and if they was their funeral. And now I was stuck with the smartest person I may ever know.

My intelligence was the only thing I had. I had neither strength nor charm. I didn't care if people called me 'bitch' or 'weakling'.

Did Adrian really think I was a stupid kid?

Don't you dare fucking cry, Chevron.

This is no place for weakness.

Fury drowned my sorrow and rage took over.

"Hey, Adrian?"

He must have sensed something in my tone and looked back. He was on guard, alert.

"What is Roy to you?" I asked innocently.

Isaac and Antonio looked at each other. Damien glanced warily at Adrian. "Boss?"

Adrian ignored him and stared at me.

"A means to an end. I need the blueprints." He said evenly, still glaring at me.


I opened my mouth to say something.

"You remember right? I told you about the blueprints when we discussed that you were under our protection. And the one point seven billion?" He asked as if I were a five year old kid.

Message received.

I stared at him. We were going to have this talk. Hopefully before I blab it out to the other three.

Later. He seemed to say.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I'm wasn't letting it go so easily and he knew it.

We were crossing rolling green hills now. I could hear the sea. I rolled the window down and was greeted by a fresh burst of crisp sea breeze in the sunlight. Cyprus and olive trees dotted the bright green valleys below us, swaying in the breeze. The sky was a crystal azure. I wanted to race the wind and run down the valley. The greenery and the fresh breeze was so rejuvenating!

From between the cyprus trees that dotted the road. I saw a sudden flash of the brightest blue I'd ever seen in my life. I gasped.

I heard someone say something from inside the car, but my mind was already running across the green and I couldn't discern what had been said over the noise of the breeze.

"What?" I yelled inside.

"I said wait till you see the family estate." Damien called back.

Family estate? Could it be bigger than his house in California? Oh Kay then.

"Where are we?"

"Heading towards Naples. The house is just after Naples but before the Amalfi Coast." He answered.

"Don't know what that is but YES!!!"

The three of them laughed and I felt Isaac ruffle my hair. I didn't mind. My hair was already a mess because of the wind. Soon, I joined in the laughter too.

We took a break. Adrian was hungry and we were in Naples now. We sat at a small restaurant overlooking the Mediterranean. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I remembered reading about it in history, Rome and Greece. The water was painted with vivid shades of turquoise and deep blue, creating the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. I rested an elbow on the wooden table and sighed.

Adrian had ordered practically all the seafood off the menu and some pasta for me. Traditional Neapolitan food, and it tasted like heaven itself. Bursting with flavour.

We got back into the car and Antonio volunteered to drive. Damien had gotten me a cellphone that had no company name or markings, not even on the battery case.

"Burner phone. Can't trace your calls and can't be traced."

"Thanks." I mumbled.

Adrian pulled onto a cobbled driveway. I hadn't realized how quickly time had passed.

Estate didn't even begin to cover it. The land was easily the size of a small village. Grecian style fountains were spewing out water that gleamed like a diamond sea in the golden light of the setting sun. Cyprus and olive and other citrus trees that I couldn't name threw shadows on the gravel of the pathway while the Mediterranean Sea whispered secrets to me. I closed my eyes, taking in the air.

"Come on!" Damien called, "Carelia DeLuca is waiting!"

I smiled. One step closer to getting the satellite. With a skip in my step, I followed the rest to the imposing and beautiful edifice, that somehow looked cozy, yet regal at the same time.

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