
48.3K 1.3K 514

I don't know how I got stuck with the most perverted readers here, 😂.
No, I'm not writing a sex scene you guys. But that's over, now, time for the generic sentimental afterword.

This wouldn't have been possible without you guys. I know many authors say this but now I can relate, without your votes and comments I probably wouldn't have made it this far, I would have lost motivation a long time back and for that, I thank you to 1931 Carelia and back.

And even though I'm rereading this crap and there are some parts which make me embarrassed that I wrote them, I'm shameless enough to say my favourite part was writing a character like Chevie.

Now since I'm probably going to be writing a new book (can't say when) I want your thoughts on some stuff so I can write something better for you guys.

How did you like Chevie?

How did you like Adrian?

Thoughts on the plot?


Worst aspect/part of this book where you just felt like... WTF?

Best part of it?

You guys keep saying the book was different. What was different about it that made it nice?
PS: I love y'all.

Gossip girl.

Lol, jk.


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