Chapter 4

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School has ended. Jungkook packed his stuff and put it inside his bag. He walked out from the class while all the girls watched him. Well, who wouldn't?

He walked towards his locker then suddenly his locker was slammed close. He rolled his eyes and looked to his right and saw Jackson.

" What do you want?" Jungkook asked.

" Nothing. Just want to see you."

" Well, I'm not interested. Leave me alone." Jungkook spat and walked away but Jackson pulled his shoulders and slammed his to the locker, hard.

" Woah, woah, woah. Hold your horse. I'm not done with you yet."

" What do you want from me?!" He asked and pushed him away.

" I want you to leave Jihyun alone or else!" He hissed then punch Jungkook once on the stomach and left.

He winced in pain and saw Jihyun running towards him.

" Hey, what's wrong?" Jihyun asked. He rolled his eyes. Because of her, Jackson hates him.

" Nothing. I'm fine. I'm going home." He said coldly and walked away.

But Jihyun never knows how to give up, she ran after Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at her and was shocked.

" Jungkook, tell me what happen?"

" Jihyun, can you stop disturbing me? It's annoying! Can't you see? I don't like talking to anyone including you. Stay away from me." He half yelled and walked away.

Jihyun was taken aback but she knows, Got7 must have threatened  Jungkook to stay away from her. She must get BTS to take Jungkook to join them.


I was playing around with Tae then Jihyun suddenly appeared. This girl is so scary.

" Jimin, I need your help." She said then Tae left us.

" Ooh, the Princess is asking for my help." I joked but ending up received a punch on the arm. " ow!"

" Can you help me or not?"

" Of course, anything for you cousin. What is it?"

" Get Jungkook to join BTS." My eyes widen.

" What?!"

" You heard me."

" Jihyun, why are you so into him? He's new and you know the rules. You can't befriend with anyone except for BTS and BTS? We're not like those normal kids, we're like you."

" I know but- You don't understand. My guts are telling me to protect him. I can feel that he's special." My shoulders dropped.

" You're in love with him." I stated. Her eyes widen.

" What?! No, I don't!"

" Really? You don't? You just said that he was special." I exclaimed. She bit her lower lips.

" Even if I do, can't I? Am I forbidden to do so?" I hugged her.

" I don't know but I'm sure your father won't be happy. Just try avoiding him until we really know him. Don't grow too much feelings for him. You might get hurt." She sighed and nodded. " And I'll think about it."

" About what?"

" Taking him into BTS. He'll have to do some test first."

" But I thought you said to avoid him."

" Until, he passed the test. If he joins BTS, do whatever you want, just remember the consequences that you will face for friending with a normal person." She nodded and smiled.

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