Chapter 21

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Jungkook was lying down on his bed, looking at the invitation card in his hand. He was wondering and confused. Why would the king invite him to a ball? He knows that the king wanted to apologize but a ball? Isn't that too much?

He was in a dilemma so he went to look for his mother and asked for her opinion about going.

" Wow. It's an honour Jungkook. You have to go." His mom said.

"But won't it be weird I go alone. I don't even know anyone there then suddenly I came. Won't it make me look weird?"

" Tell me, Kookie. How did the king even know you?" She asked and Jungkook sighed.

" My friends are royals so yeah. I've went to the palace before and had dinner with the king and the queen." Jungkook explained.

The lady gulped and smiled.

" Oh. Why didn't you tell me Jungkook?"

" I don't know if I can tell or not so.."

" It's okay. Do you want me to call your Junmi noona. I'm sure she'll be happy to help you out." She suggested.

" That'll be nice but isn't she's busy. The last time she called me was when I was 14 years old." Jungkook frowned.

" Oh. Relax Jungkook. She'll make time for you. For now, go rest or talk with Jinyoung. Okay?" Jungkook nodded and left to his room.

He jumped onto his bed and played with his handphone. His fingers were itching to message Jimin and tell him about the invitation but he didn't and he didn't know why. He, to be honest, really miss hanging out with his friends. They were his real friends in his 18 years old living. He loved them.

Jungkook sighed and put down his phone without typing anything down on the screen and just lying there, thinking of what shoulde he do in the future.

" KNOCK KNOCK " He heard Jinyoung yelled behind his door. He chuckled and yelled come in. The boy came in the room and sit onto his stepbrothers bed. " Whacha thinkin bout?" Jinyoung asked.

" Nothing. Just life. Future. The ball." Jungkook shrugged.

" Oh. Talking about the ball, have you told mom? Who are you going with?" Jinyoung asked.

" Yes. I've told her and she told me to go with my cousin." Jungkook said.

" Ah. Do you have the outfit?"

" I don't think I have man. Let's accompany to the mall tomorrow." Jungkook exclaimed.

" Nope! No thanks. I have other plans. Sorry Jungkook." Jinyoung grinned.

" Pft. Other plans. Whatever." Jungkook rolled his eyes.


Jungkook's mother called him down and told him that she's called Junmi noona and she said yes since she's on vacation for now and will come here the day after tomorrow.

" I guess I'll go shopping with her." Jungkook said.

" Ey.. The ball is the next day after she comes. You should go today."

" I don't know what to buy and Jinyoung can't accompany me."

" Aigoo. It's okay. I'll accompany you. Get ready. We're going out in 30 minutes." Jungkook nodded and went to his room.


They bought a suit for Jungkook along with shoes, ties and a new watch, the very first gift his mother bought for him after years going through a hard life. Jungkook couldn't stop smiling as he received the watch. He was happy and content but not fully content. There were something missing in his heart.

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