Chapter 18

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I looked at myself in the mirror, checking if I look okay. I took a deep breath before taking my phone and wallet on the table and walked out from my room.

I halted a taxi and asked the driver to send me to the Castle and he was shocked and looked at me weirdly.

" Boy, what are you going to do there?" He asked suspiciously.

" Oh, ajusshi, I'm not a bad person. My friend work there and we planned to go out together today." I explained. He sighed and nodded.

He stopped infront of the castle as the guards stopped him. I paid for the fees and get off the car.

The guards recognized me and let me in.

I was greeted by the maids and showed me the way to the living room to wait for Jihyun.

" Jungkook!" I heard Jimin's voice. I turned to look and saw him. " Hi buddy!" He hugged me.

" Hi Jimin." I smiled.

" Going on a date with Jihyun?" Jungkook nodded. " Ah, no wonder she was so excited and couldn't sleep last night."

" Really?" I grinned.

" Yup and she woke up really early, freaking out what she should wear. She wasn't even like this for a royal party." I chuckled.

" Hey Kookie." I heard Jihyun's voice. I turned and saw her in a red floral dress just above her knees and her hair tied into half. She looked beautiful.

" Hey. Are you ready?" She nodded and walked towards me.

" Nickhun oppa is waiting outside. Let's go." I nodded and follow her out.

Jimin mouthing 'goodluck' at me.


We went to watch a movie then we went to ice skating and she was great at it that she's the one who had to hold me. It was so embarrassing then we went to a park. It went very well and I wonder why I was so nervous last night.

" Everything fine Jungkook?" She asked.

We were lying on the grass, looking at the stars with her head resting on my arm.

" Yeap. Don't worry about it. I was just thinking why I was nervous last night."

" Because it's our first date." She smiled and hugged me. " And I'm sorry again for today Jungkook. We couldn't have a peaceful date because of me."

" No worries. It wasn't that bad. I'm glad it went well." I said.

I sighed and looked up at the stars. It looks so beautiful up there then I look at Jihyun. She's so beautiful and I wonder why am I right next to her right now? Am I that lucky? How can I end up falling in love with a princess?

Our date did went well but it wasn't easy. A lot of people spotted her and asked who am I. She would answer that I'm her friend because she wasn't sure if she could reveal our relationship or not and she would apologize to me thousand of times. It's a lie if I said that it doesn't hurt my feelings. It does but what can I do about that right? She's a princess and she have to take care of her reputation. Wouldn't want a gossip came out, saying that a princess dating a poor boy right?

" You're dozing off again, Jungkook." Jihyun exclaimed, sitting up.

" I'm sorry."

" Is it about today? I told you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to happen."

" I know. Stop apologizing. It's not your fault but maybe we should not date in public anymore. Even if we want to, we have to bring someone along so it won't be too obvious." I suggested.

" Okay." She looked down.

" I think we should go now. I's already late." She nodded and stand up. She fixed her clothes then walked towards the car without waiting for me.

I sighed. She must be very upset.


Nickhun hyung sent me home first and I looked at Jihyun who hasn't speak to me since the talk.

" Hey, I'm going first. I'll see you tomorrow." I said and waited for her reactions but nothing. I sighed and get off the car.


The next day, I hang out with Jimin and he told me that Jihyun acted differently. I noticed it as well. I did saw her this morning but she ignored me and I knew why.

" What happened last night between the two of you?" Jimin asked as he was walking beside me.

" Well, some people knows her and asked who am I and she said that I'm just a friend and it make me felt sad. She kept apologizing and I told her that we shouldn't date in public unless there's someone else with us."

" Oh. No wonder she's mad. You know Jungkook, she has always told me that she wanted an open relationship with the person she loves. It doesn't matter if it's just a commoner even though she's a princess." Jimin said.

I'm ashamed of myself. I've dissapointed Jihyun. I couldn't be like the man she wanted to love.

" Yes, she may be said that you're just her friend to the people but that's because she was still new with everything but doesn't mean she wants to give up on dating you in public. Instead she wanted you to encourage her to tell everyone that she's yours. For once she wanted to be treated like a normal girl." Jimin explained.

" Yeah and I trusted you for not telling him anything, Jimin." Someone interrupted and it was an angry Jihyun with her arms crossed.

" Jihyun-ah,"

" Save it, Jimin oppa. I'm not sharing anything with you anymore." She said and was about to walk away but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

" Jihyun wait. Please don't be mad at me." I looked at her. " Why didn't you tell me how you feel? You know I would do anything for you right?"

" Yes. But I'm just disappointed. I thought you won't give up on dating me in public but then that happened and I'm sorry for calling you my friend. I panicked and didn't know what to say. I didn't know if it's safe for me to say that you're my boyfriend. I'm really lucky to have you as mine but I don't know. I want you to encourage me, saying that it's fine to say that you're mine but you didn't." She confessed. I sighed and hugged her.

" I know. I'm sorry for not encouraging you but who am I to do that? I'm just a commoner. What would the people think if they know that you're dating a commoner?"

" I know they won't accept but I just want to be treated like a normal girl who can have a normal life and love a normal man who's special in my eyes."

" I'm sorry."

" You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault." She sighed.

I didn't know how to handle this kind of situations. What should I do?

End of chapter 18

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