Chapter 6

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A/N: Surprise an update for a thank you on 100 votes on boy next door :D

It was now lunch and me and Lauren were talking about a lot of stuff.

"So what are you doing for spring break?" Lauren asks

Oh right its almost spring break.

"I don't know. Mitch and I never really do anything." I say

"Oh good I haven't got anything planed either! We can totally hang out." She says smiling.

"Alright sweet." I say finishing off the rest of my food.

The bell for class soon rang for class.

-Le time skip cause I can :P-

The bell soon rang.

"Alright class see you in two weeks" Said the teacher as we all packed up our stuff.

"Finally spring break." I say to Lauren as we exit the class.

"I know so we are going to your house?" Lauren says

"Yep" I say popping the p

"Cool my parents are starting to say I live at your house." Lauren says laughing.

"Alright lez go cnt keep Mitch and Jerome waiting.

"Alright lez do it." Lauren says

We exit the building and I was greeted by a giant Mitch hug.

"Um alright." I say laughing as he lifted me up.

"Oh right." He says putting me down "We are going to the cabin for spring break."

My eyes light up "Really! Can Lauren come?" I ask smiling like a phyco killer.

Mitch laughs. "Totally"

"Alright ya!" Jerome says Hugging Lauren. It was kind of funny since she was smaller then him.

"Alright lets go home I want to record badly!" I whine.

Just as I say that Mitch picks me up and starts moving.

"We were waiting for you to move." Mitch says

I laugh "Alright put me down I can walk!" I exclaim

Mitch puts me down and we soon make it to our house since it  was a 15 minute walk.

We enter the house and go downstairs .

"Alright so you want to record?" I ask Lauren

"Of cores!" Lauren says

"Oh ya and that's my amazing bed" I say pointing to the blankets and pillow on the ground.

"Wow its amazing" Lauren says sarcastically

"Ya" I say proudly

I walk over to my computer and log on to Skype to see if there's anyone else who wants to record.

I see Adam, Ty and Ian are on. I Skype message Jerome and he adds me to the call.

"Hey" I say cheerfully.

"Hey!" Adam says "We want to do a cops and robbers but we need another person."

"Well I have Lauren setting up stuff on Jerome's computer. She can record with us." I say

"Alright ya!" Ty says

After everything is set up we start to record.

"3, 2, 1 hey guys Kat here and Im with Sky, Lauren, Deadlox and Ssundee. And today we are doing a little cops and robbers but its different we have to pair up. we are hoping that it will be a guy and pne of us girls in a cell but lets see! OH ya um whats cops and robbers Sunde!" I say

"cops and robbers is a minigame were there is a cop and he trys to make the robbers do stuff and if hey don't they will be killed." Ian says

"And sky is the warden!" I say punching him towards the pressure plate.

"Alright I'm going!" Adam say jumping up onto it.

We all teleport to a cell and im with Ty.

I start to beat him being the nice person I am.

"Ah now hey WARDEN my cell mate is beating me!" Ty says

I laugh and stop hopping over to the toilet.

"This is mine and if you come near it you shall die!" I say to ty Crouching on the caldron.

"I'm with the ian" Lauren says

I look over to Lauren who is sitting next to me and stick me tongue out at here.

She gasps.

-Le time skip again-

"IM AT THE BOAT!" I scream as I reach the boat pressure plate.

We finish that round and do another before we end the recording.

"That was fun" I say to Lauren after we record.

"So now what?" Lauren asks

"TIME TO FIND FOOD and I guess you can help me pack for the cabin." I say

"Alright" Lauren says as we head upstairs.

We find some of Jerome's amazing double chocolate cake and head up to my room.

We pack up my stuff and before you know it its 6:00

"Well I better go my parents will flip if I get home late." Lauren says

"Bye" I say closing the door as she exits my house.

I walk over to the tv and sit down. I go thorough channels and finally deside to watch sponge bob. What I don't care judge me! Ya that's right I'm a 17 year old watching sponge bob deal with it.

I hear Jerome yelling from downstairs. They must be recording. I couldn't care less I was enjoying my show.

It soon became late so I went upstairs to my room and layed in bed and watched some videos.

By the time I stopped it was 2:30 am. Time to sleep.

Before I knew it I was over come by sleep.

A/N: here is a chapter :D yay I stopped being super lazy and updated your welcome. Anyways what this? 100 votes on boy next door?! THANK YOU AWESOME PEOPLE. I never thought I would get this far! Anyways comment if you like the book so far. And as always slap that vote button with your forhead. PEACE!

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