Chapter 14

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Mitch's POV:

"You sister is in a coma and we don't know how long she will stay in it until she wake or........dies." The nurse said frowning.

"Bring me to my sister" I say

I cant believe it I might just lose my little sister. My twin......

The nurse nodded and we all walked into the emergency room.

Jason's POV (oh yes I have a feeling you guys wanted this!" Well i know i have)

I walk into the room and imidiaty walk over to Kat and hold her hand. I feel her coldish hand and start crying.

"It's all my fault." I whisper to her.

It was weeks beofre nothing had happend.

but finally came the day we all were waiting for

I entered the hospital and went to Kats room. I sat next to her and grabed her hand.

I told her soothing things but its not like she could hear me.

Everyone came and went but at one pont everyone was there and i had a feeling Kat knew...

Kat's POV :

Everything was hazy and black i could barley see but i always hear Jason talking to me. Sometimes i could here my brother, Jerome, Lauren and maybe some nurses but i then saw it. I glowing white light with fog. I walked into it and suddly i felt differant. Like my old self.

I opened my eyes to see everyone there.

"Kat!" They all cried with joy.

"Hey long was i out?" I ask kowing i wasnt awake

"About 3 weeks." Jason says

"Hey um Kat I'm very sorry about abandoning you before you went out i feel so bad." Lauren said

"No its ok i just wat to speak to each person quietly ." I say looking at Jerome

"I want to talk with Jerome first."

"Alright." Everyone said and left but Jerome

"Jerome I want to thank you for being there for me. I know it was you who found me in the bathrrom i hear you talking and you and Mitch screaming." I laugh

"ya that was a bad day I mean talk about an anti!" He says

"Ya it was bad." everyone came in one by one then it was Jasons turn.

"Hey um Kat i feel so bad about kissing you know...." He say trailing off.

"Its alright its in the past now." I say smiling

"But..." He started but i cut him off.

"No i heard every last word you said to me in the past 3 weeks i head your apologies and everything." I say the hug him.

I suddlenly feel a sharp pain but i could tell were then everything thing went black... again.

Jasons POV:

I smiled at Kat knowing that she head everything.

We hugged and she suddenly fell over.

"Kat!" I cried

Everyone rushed in as her heart moniter started to speed up.

I heard a nurse yell "Where loseing her.. Get everyone else out of the room!'

We then got pushed into the hallway.

"Jason what happend? Mitch asked.

"I-I don't know, one minute we where hugging then the next she fell over and everything went wonkey." I said

I sat and cried for an hour.

WHen the nurse came out we had all not moved.

"I am very sorry to say this but....Kat has just passed away we tried everything we could to help her but she slipped away. I'm very sorry."

I burst into tears. The love of my life gone forever.

Mitch's POV:

Kat d-dead! No that cant be she was fine a while ago! I refuse to let my sister slip away. But i just did. Oh my god why did you take her from me!

Jerome's POV:

Kat is gone. The only girl who really knew the real me. The only girl who would help me when i needed to talk to a girl or had a girlfriend problem. She was the closest thing to a sister i had.

Lauren's POV:

Kat....If i had known that that would have been the last time I got to see you i would have said everything i needed to say to you. But now your gone I cant bring my self to the fact that alot of this is mine and Jasons fault. Why do i screw up everything i do!


ALRIGHT PLEASE DONT HATE ME FOR DOING THIS IM SORRY. So don't worry there is one more chapter then this book is over but I feel so bad that this book is almost over I remember when I thought of this book idea. And I remember getting my first comment from @LizTwister xD

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