Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

           “So, where are we sitting?” Nick asked as we passed through an aisle on the plane.

           “In our seats,” I replied.

           “Okay… what are our seats?”

           “Were you even at the assembly explaining this whole trip?”

           “Nope!” he admitted smugly.

           “All two hundred of us, plus twenty teachers are on this trip, so we take up a good part of the plane. We’re sitting in this block section reserved for us. We don’t have actual seats. We sit where we want,” I explained, practically quoting the presentation we were required to be at in order to attend this wonderful journey.

           “Let’s sit here then,” he said, scooting into a row of three. I sat in the seat closest to his, and crammed my backpack on the floor, hoping the contents wouldn’t get squished.

           “Hey, mind if I sit here?” Sam asked, standing in front of us in the aisle.

           “Yes,” Nick said rudely.

           “I thought you were sitting with Phillip?” I asked.

           “Nah; John is, and then Blake and Alex are together,” he shrugged.

           “You can go sit with Rosie,” Nick suggested.

           “No one deserves that much punishment. Yeah, Sam, you can totally sit with us!” I smiled up at the boy. He gladly took a seat beside me, and Nick began to pout like the spoiled child he was.

           I took out a piece of gum and started rapidly chewing it. I loved the absence of braces. A few years ago, when I did have those dreaded things caging my teeth, it was pure torture not being able to chew gum.

           “Hey, Elle, mind if I have some?” Nick asked.

           “Sure,” I handed him the package. He didn’t take it. Instead his perfect lips fell upon mine, and his tongue found its way inside my mouth. His tongue then proceeded to take my gum, and bring it to his mouth. 

           “Gross!” I shouted as I saw him chew my gum. It was one of the nastiest things I had ever witnessed.

           “Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking, I’d like to thank you for choosing our airline. This is a non-stop flight to London. This flight should last approximately 6 hours and 38 minutes. Thanks again for flying with,” I heard the speakers say.

           Flight attendants then went through all safety procedures, with the seat belts and life vests, and told us how not to die. At one point, Nick did the cheesy yawn-stretch, putting his arm around my shoulder. I felt the plane move, and we were heading down the runway. Vigorously, I took out another piece of gum and started chomping on it. Nick got ahold of my hand and held it tightly. All of the sudden, we were off. Once we had leveled off and I felt somewhat safe, I leaned my head against Nick’s shoulder and drifted off into a much-needed sleep.

Eventually, I awoke to something touching my bare arms. It was soft. I lifted my eyelids and saw a smudge of red on me. My shirt was gray, not red. Slowly, I rotated my head to the right and saw Sam  watching a movie on his computer, and then I turned to the right to see Nick staring at me with a huge grin on his face. Idiot.

           “Nick…” I yawned.

           “Elle!” he smiled.

           “Why are you smiling?” I asked somewhat accusingly.

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