part 15: acepting fate- and dispare

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I really enjoy writing this. - so I want to thank u all who kept with it on reading it. (sense I have awful grammar ) I already have over 160 views which is tremendous! Because I honestly thought I would only get like 10 views on the story. so I'm pretty happy. (thank you <3 )And I'm still working on the story. Get ready it's going to get pretty long in chapters.

**On that- if anyone who kept reading to this point or just that has a request for a character to be out in for a chapter or two fillers. I'll gladly accept and add them. :3
How ever can't be : 'Lord death, maka, Stein, Justin. noah, and gopher. ' because I plan on them already being in for the future. (one character per person. Unless it's like Liz and Patti together. //which if you pick would be put in after the main events because they are out of town as of right now//

Kids pov:

Kissing- yes kissing again.
What's up with soul doing what ever he pleases. No no I'm not upset. Its just irritating. Ah - he pulled back and it was disgusting feeling but a nice one. I mean who does that to a person with ocd.

"What was that little princess?"

Did he just call me a princess?! "Princess!?"

He scratches at my chin with his sleeve. "Yeah princess."

Alright fine little-

"Hey kid. Sense you lost seeing that this is the east side. And it was the hospital. I think you better how down and apologize for your memory mistake."

"I'm not bowing down to you- if anyone one it would you for even being in the presence of a god a superior over all!"

He started laughing. What is he thinking really I out rank him in nearly every single aspect at life! Social scale and all!

"Yeah Kid you might be superior to me because you are a death God but for starters you wouldn't kill anyone that's good- so you aren't really that much of a threat. Two you need human stuff. Like affection and notification. Leading to you acting just like a human. Nice and sound nothing much more. Three your ocd kinda chips off any last tinny remaining threat that you behold. All we have to is hold up something asymmetrical and you will be on the floor butt up crying and whimpering. Which wouldn't be so bad- but you know- if I was the one behind it"

Wait.... What did he say: ok let's make a check list

He bashed on how I blend into society [/] check

He said that I wasn't really a threat [/] check


He said my ocd killed my ego [/] check

And he said that he should....wait WHAT! Looking up I seen him smirking. God I hate him he's suck a perv! He was waiting for me to realize what he said. "Yeah like that's ever going to happen soul. Its just you and yourself tonight.. His face lit up. Got him back. And good.

"Alright fine if that's what you want-perv"

Da-n right I am. Hehe-

"But you still ow me a day of what ever I say so I won't be alone."

It was his time to smirk while my face lit up. He-l no I'm not just going to let him do as he pleases "I'm not your fu-k toy soul you can't just do as you please! And I won't let anything like that happen."

"Yeah yeah we will see about that. Remember you will do anything to make something symmetrical. I'll just break your bedroom apart make it Nice and asymmetrical."

Darn.... Tu-shay - so before I humiliated myself I ran off to the west side to continue on the mission and just finish it. Soul ran after me- after some running time we made it to the west end of the town square. Where the floral shop. Thanks a lot death city floral. You screwed me up worse then souls gonna.

"Alright soul Lets head to the flower old resting place."

He nodded and took my hand. Just for me to jerk it away. To be honest I dont trust him right now and I'm gonna show it like the little bit-h I am. Take that soul -


Sneak peek of part 16:

Souls pov:

"Yeah yeah we will see about that. Remember you will do anything to make something symmetrical. I'll just break your bedroom apart make it Nice and asymmetrical" Kids face turned kishin egg red. Like a dark red. God he has a dirty mind. Hehe I'm glad he caught on. As well is now understanding that I'm the alpa- dominant roll. He can lay back and be the female role as much as he likes but I'm staying here.

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