Chapter 10 - Unexpected

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Authors Note :

Hi Guys :)

like promised, heres the next chapter and i know its gonna need a lot of editting and i will do it as soon as possible i promise, college and all is stressful but i will try to upload on a regular basis so love you all and you guys know 


xoxoxo Aliyia xoxoxo

Chapter 10 - Unexpected

2 months later ...............

I just agreed to the stupidest thing! After the spiked incident i haven't even gone to a party and now Jake is making me go to a office party of his, you know its not fair. But i owe him so i make my way over to my dressing table and apply a little light pink lipgloss and put on golden earrings, and a golden bracelet, i'm wearing a long orange dress with a slit on right starting mid-thigh, with black heels, my hair already waved looking perfect.

Not a lot has happened in two months; my stomach is basically the same, Jr.'s healthy, i still work for Justin; he’s sweet and cares about my health, Nickhil is not gonna come back, but i wasn't holding my breath on that one. The doorbell rings and i make my way down the stairs to the door 

“hell...oh” Jake says, looking at me from head to toe, causing me to blush 

“you look stunning” he says smirking

“you look handsome yourself” and he really does he's wearing a black dress shirt folded up to his elbows, black dress pants and he had his hair gelled,

“you can close your mouth, Kiar” he says pretending to close my mouth 

“Shut up Jake”i say punching him in the chest 

“owwh, Kiar that hurt” i roll my eyes as he says this 

“Lets go” i say pulling Jake out the door. 

The car ride there was silent, but it was a comfortable silence, we pull up at a beautiful hotel which i assume the party is held at, when i realize Jake has stepped out of the car i unfasten my seatbelt and i smile when i see Jake open my door 

“thank you” i say with a smile i place my hand in his and step out, he hands the key to the doorman, and we make our way to the elevator 

“so thanks Kiara, for coming to this party with me” he says smiling 

 “your welcome Jake, but i told you before i owed you one” when the elevator door opens we step out to hear tonight by enrigue, and almost everyone was dancing to it, i giggle to myself as Jake brings me towards the dance floor and starts dancing. If Jake is good at one thing its dancing and as much as i don't want to admit it I dig dancers. I start dancing with Jake when the song changes to a slow one, me and Jake make our way to a table 

“aww come on Kiar, i wanted to dance” Jake says grabbing my hand 

“i'll save you a dance later Jake” i say taking a seat 

“promise” he says smiling 


Jake introduces me to his colleagues and i’m enjoying the night until i spot a familiar looking back, i stare at it for a second and realize it was none other than Nick and in his arm was Olivia, a tall blonde wearing a light blue dress, i never talked to her but i saw her around school, i stared at him suddenly feeling uneasy, as another slow song starts playing Jake makes his way over to me 

“i believe you owe me a dance” i didn't want to ruin Jakes night so i didn't tell him that Nick is here, i put on a fake smile and take his hand saying 

“i believe i do” Jake leads me to the dance floor and i just want the dance to be over so i can go home, Jake and i sway to the music while Jake leads and i follow, after a couple of minutes we bump into a couple,

 “i’m Sor....ry” me and Jake say together when we realize its Nick and Olivia

 “umm. Hey Jake............Kiara” Nick says, looking at me from head to toe  

“what do you want Nickhil” Jake says venom dripping with each word, tightening his hold on me

 “nothing Olivia invited me,” he says winking at Olivia

“bug off Nick and leave us alone” Jake spat with venom in his tone 

“whatever Jake, i'm just here to party” Nick says walking away with Olivia. I can feel tears well up in my eyes 

“do you want me to take you home Kiar” i nod my head trying to push back the tears as all the old memories start to come back, Jake drives me home and parks in front 

“i'm really sorry Kiara” he says apologetically 

“hey don't be Jake, i had a great time you helped me enjoy the night and seeing Nick was just a small set back in the evening so thank you” i say leaning in and kissing Jake on the check 

“aww come on Kiar, you can't tease me like this, come so close to my lips and end up kissing my check” i shove Jakes shoulder and roll my eyes, as i'm about to step out of the car Jake grabs my hand and pulls me towards him, i inhale a sharp breath while i stare into his gorgeous eyes 

“Kiar i really am sorry” he says leaning in i can feel my heart beat speed up but instead of what i intended he would do he gently laid a soft kiss upon my check and i sense the smirk on his face because he knew what i anticipated he was gonna do. 

“good night Jakey” i say embarrassed 

 “night kiar” i step out of the car and see him speed away 

‘what an idiot, a cute, sweet, handsome, stupid idiot’ i think to myself. I walk inside and up to my room i fall backwards on my bed and fall into a deep slumber.

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