Chapter 5 - Confused

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Authors Note -

Hi Guys :)

Sorry for the late upload, just been busy, so hope you guys enjoy!! Plus this chapter is a little short and i know you are gonna be mad at the ending, tell me what you think, Vote and comment  

pics --------->

xxx Aliyia xxx 

Chapter 5

I cry until my phone rings I look at the caller id through blurry eyes and see that it’s Sam, needing her here, I pick up my phone and the whole time, i cry all I hear is Sam say she’ll be over in 5 minutes, 5 minutes later I hear the door bell ring, I pick myself up, rushing to the door, yanking it open i hug the person at the door crying into their chest, after a few seconds I feel two strong muscular hands rap around my waist hugging me back, resting their chin on my head

“ it’s ok Kiar, what’s wrong? why are you crying?” by his voice I realize it’s Jake, instantly let go of him i try to step away but he tightens his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, I look up and into his eyes seeing concern, sadness, worry

“where’s Sam, Jake” i say my voice sounding a little scruffy,

“are you ok Kiar, Sam’s coming” I see Sam running up the stairs with a worried expression on her face

“Sam” I yell Jake instantly lets go of me and I run into Sam's embrace

“ you Ok Kiar, I got here as fast as I could after hearing you cry on the phone” She says worried, I knew she was telling the truth because her house is a good 15 minute by car, I'm sure she broke all the traffic lights

“come inside I’ll tell you everything” i mumble between sobs, Jake walks into my house, and Sam guides me in, still hugging me,between sobs I explain to them everything about my parent dying to Nick leaving me I start to cry all over again, tears running down my checks, my eyes bloodshot.

“ That Son of a Bitch” I hear Jake growl I look over to him and see that he has his hands fisted at his sides

“ you told him about the ba..” Sam starts

“NO I DIDN’T” i yell glaring at her, not wanting Jake to know, he's already pissed, i don't want him to do something stupid

“about what Sam” Jake asked mad no thats an understatement he was beyond furious

“no Sam don’t” i whisper, pleading to her through my eyes

“about what Samantha” Jake yells louder than before making me shiver, Sam gives me an apologetic look

“About the Baby Jake, Kiar is pregnant” Sam says tears rolling down her face too, after the words leave Sams mouth Jake turns to me stareing at me like asking me if this is all true, like he was hopping it was not the truth, i slowly look up when my eyes meet his, seconds later he storms out of the room muttering

“I’m gonna kill that bastard”

I turn to look at Sam, and she looks scared, I run after Jake seeing him already on his bike, I quickly get into my car with Sam in shot gun and follow Jake

“why’d you tell him Sam you know Jake’s temper, after a point he can do anything, and he's beyond mad now” i say pissed

“ I’m sorry Kiar, I know his temper but i knew he would have killed Me if I didn’t tell him” I see Jake stop and stand in front of The Darkest Nights a restaurant / bar, what is he doing here i think to myself, parking the car i jog in after him looking around for him minutes later I hear a group of people yelling FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!, running over to where the noise is coming from i see Jake beating Nickhil up, I run over to Jake and try to stop his punch but fail miserably and seeing Nickhil laying on the floor bleeding an uneasy feeling of pain and sorrow flashes over me, Jake is on top of Nick throwing punch after punch and Nick is on the floor bleeding, looking beyond drunk and slipping in and out of consciousness, I grab Jake by the shoulder and with the help of 2 men pull him off Nick, Jake struggling to get out of the mens grip so he can pounce on Nick again

"YOU BASTARD, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO KIAR, I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT HER, LET GO OF ME, YOU BASTARD" i grab Jakes face between my palm and pull his face away from Nick to look into my eyes, he stops struggling and the men let go of him, his breathing coming out in pants.

“He’ s not worth it Jake” i say glancing at Nick, pulling Jake toward the door he stops me and kicks Nick in the stomach

“the others were for betraying Kiar and this one’s because I cant believe I was friends with a heartless bastard like you” pulling Jake outside, i stare at him in disbelief this is the same Jake that I hated because of the flirting and cocky jokes he used on me, because he was a man whore, I knew that Jake beat up his best friend for me, his little sisters friend, not able to stop myself I jump into Jake's arms giving him a big hug

“Thank you Jake I really needed someone like you to care,” i say as tears cloud my vision

“what babe beat Nickhil, he deserved it, but if you want to think that I did it for you than go right ahead I don’t mind” he says wiping my tears

“oh god Jake cant you ever be normal, but thank you for beating up your best friend for me” I start to walk back to my car when Jake grabs my wrist and turns me around so I’m pressed against his muscular chest again

“Sorry Kiar and I’m sorry he did that to you, i never thought he could do something like that, but hey Me, Samantha, and Ryan are here for you no matter what, every step of the way” he whispers I couldn’t help but smile

“thanks Jakey, I actually think there’s some human in you somewhere but promise me that you won’t tell Nickhil about the baby ever” i can't help but say, i don't want him knowing about the baby, of course i still love him, but after what he said to me i don't want him near me or the baby

“OMG Kiara Smith gave Me Jake Johnson a nickname after like…” Jake says laughing

“Jake stop it and promise me” i say seriously

“sure thing babe, I promise, but Jakey really” he says kissing my checksmiling making mesay

"it suits you, all manly looking but so sweet, bye Jake and by the way I’m gonna be living with Mike until I find a place of my own so I’ll call you tomorrow” i say stepping away from him

“bye Kiar take care of yourself and the baby till tomorrow” he says with a wink

I walk over to my car and tell Sam if she want to go home with Jake she can but she insists she stay and help me pack for tomorrow. I start driving, and a bunch of questions pop into my mind, why would Jake beat Nick up so badly for what he did to me? Why was Jake furious when he found out I was pregnant? What was hiden in his eyes when he looked into mine after Sam confessed i was pregnant? 'Cool it Kiara, your just over thinking it, Jakes a friend and he was just being a friend ok' i keep trying to make myself believe that but my mind wont let me it keeps replaying the image of Jake when he looked into my eyes after he found out i was pregnant. 


Will upload soon

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