Chapter 2 - OMG

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UPLOADING AFTER SO LONG, trying to get the story in check, been a little busy these days SO PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE, FAN, IT MEANS A LOT,


*Pic of character -----------> slideshow 

xxxx Aliyia xxxx


 Chapter 2 

 I set out of the bathtub, dry myself and change into my clothes. I walk out of the bathroom and see that Nick is gone, I look at my phone and there’s a text from him saying 

'sorry you were in the bathroom, had something urgent to do, i'll call you when I'm free' I grab my stuff and head downstairs, like always Samantha, Ryan and Jake are already in my kitchen eating my food  


Sam is wearing an orange halter top, brown skinny jeans, and orange flats, her hair is left in her natural waves with two braids tucked in, 

Ryan is in a white tee with a black blazer and dark washed jeans, paired with black dress shoes, his hair in his normal messy look 

Jake has a black sweater top on with loose black pants, with black converses, his hair is perfectly spiked not even a strand out of place 


“Good morning Sam, Sam’s sexy hot boyfriend and Jake” 

“hey how come I don’t get a sexy hot in front of my name like Ryan did” Jake wines 

“aww Jake want sexy hot in front of his name too” i say cutely, Jake shakes his head in agreement 

“ok so…. good morning to the ho.. most ugliest man in this kitchen JAKE round of applause everyone” we all start laughing and Jake makes a face 

“good morning Kiar how was your Night” Sam asks 

“it was amazing Sam” I wink at her, resulting in her giggling, 

"why you so dressed up, Ryan" i ask curious, grabbing an apple 

"Ryan has an interview today" Sam answers smiling, Ray pulls Sam to him and kisses her a (awww so sweet, gag) 

"Good Luck Ray, don't worry you got this" i assure him looking at Jake 

"Thanks Kiar" Ray says taking a sip of his water 

I walk over to Jake who is pouting and lean close to his ear and whisper

“you know every time I say hot I refer to you right” Jake gives me an eye roll and walks out the door and we follow him.

I grab my keys, and Sam, Ryan, Jake and i head to uni, to pick up our diplomas, after grabbing our things we head out. I make Sam drop me at the hospital and ask her to drop my car off at my house. Ryan went to his interview and Jake decided to go with him for moral support, which i doubt he's giving him, I walk into the clinic, and to the waiting room and wait till I’m called inside

“ Good afternoon Kiara I haven’t seen you in a while so what brings you here” says Nathaniel, my cousin 

"Nate, what are you doing here, isn't Doctor Ruby here today" i ask confused 

"Actually she called in sick, so I'm covering her shift, so why you here" he asks smiling 

“ I…I um I have been throwing up for 2 days now, so I just wanted to make sure everything was fine” i know weird, she had to call in sick today 

“ have you had sex lately” I flush a scarlet color at his straight forward question

 “um yeah about 2 weeks ago” i must look like a tomato 

 “did you try taking a pregnancy test” he says with a hint of laughter

“No, you think I might be pregnant Nate” I ask a bit excited, forgetting the glare that i was to show him 

 “Yes, I suggest you take a pregnancy test and make matters clear and let Nick know as soon as possible, you want to check it here or ” 

“no Nate I’ll take the pregnancy test, its gonna be kinda weird handing you a cup of my pee” I getting of the bed

"take care kiar" Nate says when i reach the door 

"love you too Nate" i say, leaving

 Nate's never really been good with emotions, he stands at about 6'3, has light brown golden hair, blue eyes, light stubble, in a black work shirt and a white doctors coat, he's quite handsome, but after his long time girlfriend Linda pasted away a couple of months ago, my kiddish cousin has grown up a lot, Nate always had trouble showing emotion and not quite over Linda's death, he mostly keeps to himself afraid of losing the ones he loves again.


I walk to the CVS across the street and grab a box of pregnancy tests, a bottle of water, and a box of m&m pretzels. I call a taxi and tell the guy my address 15 minutes later I'm in front of my house. I pay the taxi driver and head inside, I run straight to the bathroom and pee on the pregnancy stick, I wait eagerly and these 5 minutes have taken forever to pass when finally I see a pink  plus sigh shows up,  I have never been this happy to see a pink plus in my life. I grab my phone to call Nick and tell him everything but then decide to surprises him so I call up Sam instead

 “ hi Sam I….I’m um..” i'm too excited and nervous to get the words out 

“Come on Kiar spill the beans” Sam says impatiently 

“promise me you won’t tell anybody ” i don't want anyone to know yet 

"i promise, Now tell" she says anxiously 

"I’m… I’m pregnant" i yell happily 

“OMGOMGOMGOMG I can’t believe it did you tell him yet, ” she yells all happy 

“NO I gonna surprise him. Hey but Sam do you think Nick will be happy” i ask seriously, what if he's not happy 

“listen Kiar I have to go but don’t worry about it I’m sure he’ll be thrilled, the guy loves you, you know that"

I end the call and text Nick to come home by 8 cause I need to tell him something important, 

he text back a 'mmmm kay', i sit on the sofa taking off my shoes, thinking of how to tell Nick I'm pregnant 

when i get an idea, jumping up from the couch i walk towards the stairs 

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