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"Why the fuck did you ignore me the whole time at camp?" Yoongi asked angrily as the two boys walked into their room.

"There were people around and the way you acted was too clingy." Jimin shrugged, unpacking.

Yoongi scoffed, "Why do you care so much? We're dating."

"It was embarrassing. A camp full of mostly straight guys then here comes two guys dating each other." Jimin explained.

"So? You know what, Jimin. I got us a place to actually live in, but if you're so embarrassed to be with me, I might as well leave you here and move in there by myself." Yoongi left the room to go get dinner.

Jimin sat on his bed, "Fine then! Maybe I'll date Jungkook!"

Jungkook heard that, and thing is, he was on the phone with Jin, who also heard that.

There was a click on the phone meaning Jin hung up once he heard that. Jungkook rushed up to Jimin's room, "You might wanna find a safe place." Then Jungkook explained he was on the phone with Jin when Jimin shouted that.

"I have no where to go." Jimin lazily explained, staring off into space.

"What? I heard Yoongi found a place."

"He doesn't want to move in with me." Jimin sighed.

"Hm... Was it because you were avoiding him at camp?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded, "I guess this is my fault. I should go apologize."


Yoongi was sitting at the dining table when Jimin walked up, "Sorry hyung."

Yoongi stopped chewing and with a mouth full he said, "For what?"

"For acting like I wasn't your boyfriend. I won't do it again." Jimin promised.

Yoongi smiled, food still in his mouth, "Good."

Finally the couple moved into their new home.

"It's a nice place." Jimin smiled, making himself comfy on the bed.

"Yeah. We have a volunteer job tomorrow so we should get some rest. The neighbors said they'll come over to give us some baked cookies then we can go to bed." Yoongi said, changing into pajamas right in front of Jimin.

"Have you already met them? The neighbors I mean." Jimin stated.

Yoongi nodded, "When I was looking around at this place. They seemed like a nice older couple."

That's when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Jimin got up since Yoongi was still getting dressed, and went to go open the door.

Yoongi chuckled as Jimin ran out. Once he got done, he went to the door himself to greet the neighbors.

When he got to the door, Jimin was just there staring at the older couple.

The things that came out of Jimin's mouth surprised Yoongi.

"Eomma... Appa..." Jimin said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Anyone watch Modern Family. If not, there's a gay couple in it and I watched it last night and as I wrote this, I couldn't stop imaging them during ONE of the scenes in this chapter XD
Anyway, Please Vote and Comment~ Thanks!

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