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Where is Jimin?
"Min Yoongi, get home now." His mother had found him in a cafe he was drinking coffee with Jimin in.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Can we have Jimin live there?"

"Are you out of your mind? I don't want a homeless person in my home!" She shouted then took Yoongi's wrist and dragged him out.

Jimin looked down, "He promised we'd stay together."

The next day, Yoongi went to his volunteer job in a grumpy mood. This volunteer job was just help building a house.

His boss came to the group of volunteers and started some type of roll call. "Yoongi."






"Jimin." No answer.

Yoongi looked around, "Do you mean Park Jimin?"

His boss nodded, "Yes."

Yoongi sighed, "He isn't here. Is he supposed to be?"

"Yes he is. Well now that you guys are here, you may begin." The boss said then left.

"Jungkook." Yoongi looked straight to the younger boy.

"Yeah?" He looked at Yoongi holding a brick.

"Put that down... And also where's Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook just shrugged, "I don't know. He wouldn't answer his phone."

"That's weird..." Namjoon said, "Come on, we can deal with this later. Let's start." He said, picking up a brick.

"What the fuck? What's with all the bricks?" Yoongi flinched.

"We're building a house, dumbass." Namjoon chuckled.

"Oh... Right." Yoongi nodded then got to work.

After the job, Yoongi decided to call Jimin but there was no answer. So he decided to call Jin.

"Where is he?" He asked right when Jin answered.

"Where is who?" Jin asked, confused.

"Duh, Jimin. Where is Jimin?" Yoongi questioned.

"How am I supposed to know?" Jin asked.

"Because you're more of a mother to him then his actual mother who abandoned him!" Yoongi shouted, forgetting it was Namjoon who was driving right next to him.

"Wait what?" Namjoon became surprised hearing the conversation.

"Stop interrupting! Aish, I gotta go." Yoongi said then hung up the phone.

"Jimin was abandoned?" Namjoon asked.

"Who knows? Drop me off at that cafe!" Yoongi pointed at the cafe that Yoongi left Jimin in last night.

"Won't your parents be mad?" Namjoon wondered.

"Who cares, I've gotta find Jimin." Yoongi said quickly.

So Namjoon did what he was told and dropped the gray haired boy off. "Thanks!" He said then rushed in.

He went to one of the employees who was there the day before. "Remember that brown haired boy I was with last night? Where did he go after I left?"

The waitress shrugged, not knowing.

"Then tell me this. What did he do after I left?" Yoongi ordered.

"Well, he seemed sad. He got all mopey and kept ordering soju. Worst thing is, he didn't even pay, he said something about working here to pay back. He was supposed to start working here earlier but never came." The waitress said.

"Aigoo. I'm sorry about him. How much was it?"

"$60" The waitress sighed.

Yoongi's eyes went wide, "What the- here." He took out $120 dollars and gave it to the waitress, "Take this, the extra $60 is if he does something like that again."

The waitress nodded as Yoongi rushed out.

The gray haired looked around the cafe alleys to see if he could find Jimin. And he did.

"Jimin!" Yoongi rushed over to the brown haired boy who was sipping on some beer, leaning against the wall.

Yoongi looked at all the empty beer cans and sighed, "Did you steal all this?"

"Aniyo. I borrowed them. I said I'd pay back." Jimin said with a slur.

Yoongi crouched next to Jimin, "What happened to my sweet innocent Jimin?"

"He got washed away by sadness." Jimin sighed.

"Sadness? Why are you sad?" Yoongi asked.

"Hyung. You promised that you would stay with me. You lied." Jimin said with tears in his eyes.

Yoongi sighed and helped Jimin stand up, "Come with me, I'll sneak you into my house. But you have to be quite."

Jimin leaned on the older to get support since he couldn't balance himself, "Alright. I'll be quite." Jimin drunkly placed a finger over his lip.

Yoongi couldn't help but laugh a bit. He moved Jimin's finger away and pecked his lip, "Come on, let's go home."

Jimin kept his eyes widened by surprisement as Yoongi dragged him home.

"Luckily, no one is home." Yoongi bought him to his room and laid him on the bed.

"Ooh~ oppa, what are gonna do to me." Jimin smirked and covered his member.

"O-oppa? And stop covering your dick. I'm not gonna do anything." Yoongi pulled his hand away and sat on the bed.

"Hehe. You naughty boy." Jimin laughed.

"My parents are home." Yoongi jolted at the noise coming from downstairs, "Hide under the blankets!" Yoongi covered Jimin completely and went out of his room and shut the door.

His mom was standing right there, "Yoongi? Who were you talking to?"

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