Flying to/Arriving in America

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"Now to take her home" Logan says as he boards with the little girl and Allie who was sleeping in her car seat

Kendall gave both girls a kiss good-bye before Logan boarded with the both of them

"Okay Allie you will go here, and little one you will be on the other side"  he says as he sits her down in the seat since he was going to be between the girls heading back to America

"Sweetie I'm going to be across from you the whole way home you get your own seat" he says as he makes it better for her before taking off

The little girl wanted Logan and he couldn't blame her at all

"Okay once we are in the air I can hold you if you want until then you have to stay seated in your seat okay baby girl" he says as he talks her her gently and moves the hair that was falling in front of her face

The little girl sniffled as she looked at Logan

"It's okay I got you some toys, coloring books, and anything else to keep you busy baby doll" he says as he puts the tray down so she could color a picture if she wanted to

The little girl opened the coloring book and started to color a picture

"You color really good" he says as he admires her as she was coloring the picture for him

She smiles as she looks up at him

"I really mean that princess" he says as he got comfy for the rise back to America which was not going to take long at all to get home he hopes cause he had to get the girls settled in before Kendall came home from Italy a few days later and they were going to raise those girls as their own

Logan stayed close since the baby was sleeping at the moment in her car seat which was a blessing to him and for the the little girl that was being good and coloring a picture

"Do you have a name sweetie?" Logan asks her after a while

She started speaking Italian again to him as they were talking and Logan could barely understand any of it as she was talking

"Let's see your passport to see what your name is since I can't understand you at all" he says as he looks at the passport of the little girl since the birth certificate

Logan looked at her passport to see what her name was

"Elliana that's a pretty name for such a pretty girl" he says as he looks at her as they were in the air now

The little girl continued to color her picture as he was looking at all of the information on Elliana

"You seemed to like to color don't you sweetie?" he asks as he looks at her ever so gently

She nods again

"Okay I'll leave you be" he says as he gave her a kiss as she was continuing to color in her little coloring book that he gave her to keep her calm and collected as they were in the air and heading to America

"Hey Allie did you have a good nap?" he asks when the baby woke up from her slumber

Allie coos up at him as he got her out of her car seat

"Come on baby doll let's change you okay" he says as he goes tot he restroom to change her diaper to see if she was wet or she had a stinky one

Allie was just wet which Logan was happy about

"What sweetie are you wet too?" he asks the little girl who followed him to the bathrooms

She nods with tears in her eyes

"It's okay I can change you and you will be good as new" he says as he grabs some diapers that he had gotten her before they left the country so he could change her and she could hang out with him until they landed in America

Logan was quick to change Ellie so she was a happy camper once again 

"Okay sweetie let's head back to our seat and I can read to you" he says as he takes her back to her seat 

Ellie was okay with that 

"Do you want to snuggle on mommy as he reads to you?" he asks her 

She nods with tears in her eyes 

"Okay if you fall asleep you fall asleep" he says as he gives her a kiss on her forehead as he started t read her the story in question 

Ellie loved it and after a while she fell right to sleep on Logan while she was sucking her thumb which Logan found adorable

"Night baby" he says as he continues to hold her in his arms and rock her while he looked at Allie who was sleeping peacefully in her car seat at the moment

Logan got a bottle out for Allie cause he knew she was going to be waking up and wanting fed soon

"Can you warm two of these up for me?" he asks the flight attendant who came around asking parents for bottles if they had little ones on the flight

"Sure be back soon" she says smiling as she took the bottles 

Soon Allie woke up from her short slumber

"Hi baby it's coming okay mommy has your bottle coming for you sugar" he says as he looks down at her as she was looking up at him with her pretty eyes

Allie started to get fussy

"Oh sweetie it's okay I know your hungry, so I have a bottle being warmed for you" he says as he sets Ellie down on the seat so he could hold Allie who was going to wail at any moment 

"Here you go we know she was hungry so we warmed it up quickly for her" the flight attendant says as she brought the warm bottle back to Logan 

"Thank you" he says as he started to feed Allie her formula as Ellie slept like a little angel 

Logan looked at Ellie and couldn't picture not taking her home

"Now to go home my girls" he says as he gets settled in for the rest of the flight home to America where he was going to raise the girls at while Kendall finished up his end of the tour and he was going to help Logan raise those girls as their own daughters 

Logan let Kendall know everything that was happening during the flight home to America with the girls cause the girls were being really good and not crying as much 

"Good girl baby doll" he says when the baby had finished her formula for him 

Logan burped and changed her 

"There we go back to sleep sweetie" he says to the baby as he tucked her in her car seat 

The baby looked up at him

"I'm going to be right here" he says as he strokes her tiny cheek gently 

Soon the baby had closed her eyes and went back to sleep as Logan looked at the little girl who was sleeping too  

V & C

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