Allie comes home

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"Logan I came as soon as i heard about little Allie" Kendall says to him

"It's not good Kenny she's sick" Logan says as he fought the tears that were coming to his face

"Oh Logie she will get better" Kendall says to Logan as he hugged Logan tight as they waited to go back and with with the baby

"I hope your right" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as they waited on the results and when they could go back to see the baby and maybe hold her in his arms again

"I know I'm right until then we can be with the little girl and get to know her a little better too" Kendall says as he picks up Ellie and holds her in his arms cause she was happy to see papa 2 again

"Allie" the nurse calls to the waiting room

Kendall and Logan went back to be with their baby girl and see how long she was going to be in the hospital for and when they can see her as well cause they were missing her like crazy right now

"Hey baby it's daddy" Kendall says as he saw Allie on the hospital bed

"Will it be okay if we give her the medicine so she could get better?" the nurse asks Kendall and Logan

"Logan she needs it and it will help her fight this infection that she has in her system, and she can get better for us" Kendall says as he holds Logan in his arms to make it all better for Logan as well cause Logan was scared for their baby girl and he did not know the side effects of the medicine and what it can do to her little system too cause he wanted her healthy and a happy baby

Logan decided to let the hospital give her the medicine that she needed to get better

"When will she be able to come home?" Logan asks the nurse as he signs the papers as well so she could get the medicine that she needed

"In a couple of days" the nurse says to Logan and Kendall as she goes and gets the medicine for the baby so she could feel better and go home to her parents

"Can we visit her though?" Logan asks the nurse as he goes in to be with Allie, so she was not lonely or scared 

"Sure you can" the nurse says as she came with the medicine that Allie was going to have so she could get better

Logan was happy that he was going to be with his baby girl as she was getting better

(Couple of days later)

"Kenny I can't believe we can bring her home finally" Logan says as they were in the nursery getting ready to go to the hospital to get Allie and bring her home and get her settled in her new home with her sister who was playing with her toys right now

"Me either Logie she will feel right at home when we bring her home from the hospital in a few minutes" Kendall says as they kiss cause this was the start of their family 

Logan went to get Ellie so they could go to the hospital and get Ellie and bring her home to stay and they can start their lives with their girls right now


"Okay Ellie girl you have to go into the stroller for us okay baby doll, so you don't wonder" Logan says as he was talking to her as he got her out of her car seat and into the double stroller that they had for the girls when they go anywhere the girls were safe and sound in the stroller and either Kendall or Logan would push them in the stroller as they walked

Ellie obeyed and went in the stroller with her little doll that daddy had got for her from Italy

"You are such a good girl Ellie" Logan says as he looks at her as he got the car seat for Allie so she was secured in her car seat as they were leaving the hospital

"Yeahs she is and she is such a sweetie" Kendall says as the family heads into the hospital so they could get little Allie and bring her home to stay

Logan got the room number where Allie was so they could go and get her, and bring her home to stay 

(Allie's room)

"Hey Allie girl" Kendall says as he comes in while Logan stood with Ellie cause Ellie was not allowed in where her sister was

Allie looked at daddy as he came into the room

"You look better then what you have looked sweetie" he says as he approaches the crib to get the baby so he could get her ready to go home

Kendall talked to her as he changed her in her little outfit that she was going to wear home

"There we go you look very pretty Allie girl" he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms while they waited for the nurses to come with the discharge papers so they could head home from the hospital Allie was cooing up at daddy as he was holding her in his arms

"You talking now huh pretty girl?" he asks as he walked around the room with her in his arms a little bit as they waited

Kendall loved hearing all about her morning and how she could not wait to get home and be with mommy and daddy

"Well I need you to sign some forms and she is all yours" the nurse says as she came into the room with the forms that Kendall needed to sign to have little Allie come home and be with mommy and daddy forever and for always

"Sure no problem there" Kendall says as he signed the papers, so Allie could come home from the hospital and be with her parents that loved her and could not wait to see how she was going to adjust to her new life in America instead of in Italy

Once the papers were signed Kendall left to go see Logan and Ellie so they could go home with little Allie and get her adjusted to her new home and her room too

"Logie look who I have" Kendall says as he was carrying Allie in his arms

"Hi Allie" Logan says as he took her from Kendall, so he could hold her finally 

Allie cooed up at mommy as mommy was holding her

"Okay baby doll mommy going to put you in your car seat so we can take you home" Logan says to her as he put her in her car seat 

Kendall and Logan took the girls out to the car so they could head home and get them settled completely and help Ellie with her English a little more as well cause she was slowly getting better at speaking American but she still had that accent in her still, but it was okay that what made her different from the other kids her age

V & C

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