The procedure

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"Kenny after this moment i want to do it i want to carry her until she is fully ready" Logan says as he was going to rock with her

"I know Logan i know you do and i support you so i guess we are doing it" Kendall says as he looks at Logan

"I guess we are" Logan says as he looks at Millie as she was snuggled on Logan

"She looks beautiful like that" Kendall says as he looks at her

"Yeah she is" Logan says in a whisper

"I'll change her and tuck her in" Kendall says as he was going to take Millie from Logan

"Night Millie" Logan says as he kissed her good night for the time being

Logan was just going to sit there and rock for the time being cause he loved the rocking chair they had for the girls when they needed papa or daddy to be there for them and he hated to turn that down and he will keep doing it until they were old enough to say no more, and if they still needed it he was up for it

"Logan you coming to bed?" Kendall asks him

Logan was going to join Kendall in bed that night cause they were going to have a lot of long nights like this being with the girls and cuddling them close cause they loved them with all their heart

"You think i can handle it?" Logan asks him as he got into bed once again

"Logie i know you can" Kendall says as he kisses Logan before they cuddled together

"I am just worried i am going to lose my life or the baby's life is all" Logan says to him

"Logie Logie Logie nothing is going to happen you will get the best care possible and the baby is going to be okay in the process as well and you both are going to be just fine" Kendall says as he hugs Logan close to him

Logan goes to sleep a little later

(Few weeks later)

"Well here we are" Logan says as they pulled into the hospital 

"Yup here we are" Kendall says as he was looking for a parking spot in the parking garage 

Kendall found the perfect spot to park 

"Logan it is going to be fine you are getting the best care possible for this procedure" Kendall says to him cause the day has come for the artifical womb for Millie 

"I know i still have jitters about this whole thing" Logan says to him as he was looking down at his stomach cause he had to be on a special diet and take pills for this to work the way it should 

"Logan i will be with you every step of the way" Kendall says as they were still in the car since Logan was a little uneasy still 

"Kenny I'm scared something might and will go wrong" Logan says to him as he looks back at Millie who was wide awake 

"I am going to have that fear too Logan and i know you will be okay and come out alive and well" Kendall says as he was going to get out so they could head in and get registered and everything 

Logan was going to stay in the car cause he was having second doubts about this whole thing in general cause he has been reading about the deaths that were happening to mothers and he didn't want that to happen to him either 


"Logan come on i got you all registered and they are waiting" Kendal says a she came out to get Logan and MIllie          

Logan got out of the car and slowly headed in the hospital and to his room 

"Kenny I'm still scared" Logan says to him 

"Logan everything is fine i spoke to the doctor met the nurses and everybody that is involved in this" Kendall says to him to make him feel better 

"I feel like I am going to be sick" Logan says as he runs to get sick 

Kendall runs after him to see if he was really sick or if he was faking it 


"Mr. Henderson-Schmidt did you eat anything at all?" the doctor asks him

"No not in the past two days" Logan says to him  

"The procedure is on hold until we can build you up" the doctor tells him cause the doctors and nurses that were brought in will be on stand-by if anything changes with Logan 

"Logan why?" Kendall asks him

"The kids Kenny seeing them everyday and being with them i didn't want to risk it" Logan says to him as he was getting hooked up to I.V and he was going to have food brought in the room as well so he could eat 

"Logan why didn't you talk to me" Kendall says to him

"I kept it bottled up for so long" Logan says to him as he was trying to relax a little bit cause they were going to bring him some food 

"The kids love you too Logie and they love being with you" Kendall says as he was going to hug Logan close to him cause he could see Logan needed it cause he was really scared for what was going to happen to him and the baby as well      

Logan cried it out on Kendall as Kendall held him tight as he cried 

"Logan I am going to have the guys stay with the others as I stay here with you" Kendall says as he was going to call James and Carlos and see if they can stay with the kids 

"Okay" Logan says as he sniffles

James and Carlos was okay with staying with the others for a few extra hours

Part 2 will follow in the future 

Kendall and Logan's Italian baby girl wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now