First night part 2 preview

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Since i have to close tonight here is a preview of the next chapter

"What are we going to name her Kenny?" Logan asks as he was holding her again cause she was fast asleep since Kendall swaddled her after her bath and she felt safe in Logan's arms

"I say we stick with the llie theme" Kendall says as he looks at Logan after a while

"Callie or Lillie for her name" Logan says as he was looking at her as she was sleeping in his arms

"She looks like a Callie" Kendall says as he was looking at the baby Logan had in his arms

"I think she looks like a Callie" Logan says as he was rocking her gently as she was sleeping in his arms ever so peacefully

"Callie is her name then" Kendall says as he looks at the baby that was sleeping in Logan's arms and looked contented with who was holding her

"I think she likes that name" Logan says as he was holding her still, and rocking her ever so often so she doesn't wake

"We have Ellie, Allie and Callie" Kendall says as he thinks of all of the girls that they had so far

"Yeah and we are going to have fun with those girls" Logan says as he heard Ellie wake up from her short slumber, and she wanted papa or daddy to come and get her

"I'll get her" Kendall says as he went after Ellie and bring her to the master cause something scared her

Logan made room for the scared little girl

"Ellie it's okay sweetie you can sleep with daddy and papa" Logan says when he saw the tears come to her eyes as Kendall brought her to master that afternoon

"She had a bad nightmare" Kendall tells Logan as he came in with her cause she was really scared out of her mind and she wanted mommy or papa in her case to make it better

"Oh sweet Ellie" Logan says to her as he strokes her pretty hair as she cried into papa as she was holding the baby that was starting to wake up as well from her slumber

"Our dear sweet Ellie" Kendall says as he got into bed with her

"So sweet, so innocent, so gentle" Logan says as he was looking at her as she was going back to sleep as daddy played his guitar for her to help her sleep a little better and she loved daddy's music that he was playing for her

"Never would hurt a fly" Kendall says as he was looking at her

"Nope" Logan says as he was looking at the girls that were in the master as Kendall was playing the guitar for them as they were sleeping

Once Ellie was sound asleep Logan decided to put Callie next to her and lay down with the girls for nap since there was not much else that he could do right now, and Kendall was going to go shopping for Callie as well cause they were going to need a lot for her since she was not that old at  and they were going to get her checked out later on in the night when they got all of the girls settled down and took care of Allie as well to make sure she was okay too cause she has been showing signs of autism already and Logan was scared for her down the road

"Our three special angels" Logan says as he thought of the girls and what life was going to be like for them growing up with special needs and having two dads and no mom in the picture for neither of them 

"Yes our three special little angels" Kendall says as he was leaving to go shopping for little Callie and get some things that she needs right now 

Logan napped with the girls while Kendall was out and about and the girls slept the whole time which was a blessing for Kendall and Logan which meant the park wore them out, and then Callie the littlest one woke up 

"Callie it's okay" Logan says as he picks her up 

the full chapter is up 

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