Chapter One - My jobless ass

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"I have a Bachelor's Degree from Smith college, a PhD in Biochemistry from Berkeley and a MD from Stanford. Did I mention I graduated at the top of my class plus the cherry on top is I am an excellent cardio thoracic surgeon. YET I AM JOBLESS!!" I complained to my best friends, Chloe and Kate at the top of my voice. Probably waking up everyone in the building.

"Well maybe because you are gonna get the best job in the world".. Kate sugar coated the fact that I am jobless, for me.

"It's been six months since I left the job and I went to Hopkins just to turn down their offer!" I brought her back to reality.

"Umm you didn't exactly went there just to turn down their offer but you went there to accept it after leaving the job here at Boston, BUT BUT after going there you discovered even Chris works there so you turned down their offer!" Chloe corrected me.

"Oh please! Don't make this about my very stupid ex boyfriend! The fact here is I was idiot enough to leave my dream job at my dream hospital. So I'm an IDIOT!" I stated.

Dr. Chris O'brian aka my ex boyfriend, apparently the boyfriend who cheated on me was working at Johns Hopkins Hospital. We had an ugly break up. I found him on his bed with a woman when I returned to his apartment after my shift to surprise him since it was our 2nd year together and that too on the sheets I gifted him when he moved in. Yes those SHEETS IT WAS! That shameless cow. Hate him. Instead of interrupting I chose to sit on his love chair and enjoy the free porn. It took them a total of three minutes to realize they had an audience.

"Wh..what..are you..umm doing? I mean here.." His confused and disgusting expression made me just wanna puke.

"I came here to celebrate our SECOND anniversary HONEY!" I emphasized the words, second and honey while answering him with a total expressionless face.

The sarcasm in my tone made that bitch realize I was really pissed and could rip her skin off of her at the moment so she being wise made her grand exit out of the room. Naked! But god! She had an extremely sexy body. Even I would go for her if I was a lesbian. Oh shoo shoo the thoughts and back to my boyfriend.

"Thanks for the nice show but the position was painful I bet!"

"Baby listen to me! I can explain!" He exclaimed rushing towards me. I backed off.

"Don't baby me you asshole. I don't want to hear any explanations. Plus I'm getting late to a dinner with my parents where I am suppose to tell them I am so very ready for an arrange marriage." I stated.

"Oh and did I ever tell you that you don't even have a nice butt. I mean man, you have a flat ass!" With this I shut the door behind me and left. Never looked back even once.

"Hey! Lexie?.." Chloe brought me back from my thoughts. "I think you just got a mail"
I was too into the past I failed to realize the beeping of my phone.

From the CEO of Henderson Corporation. A worldwide company which has it's hotel almost here and there and my question why would 'The CEO of Henderson Corporation' send me a mail. How did that person know me? Wow, am I so famous?!  

"Hey Lexie open it already." Kate couldn't hold back her curiosity.

"Dear Alexandra Caroline Anderson,
Ms. Anderson I would like to hire you as the Head Surgeon of Cardio Thoracic Surgery at our company's new hospital, Henderson Life Care Hospital.
There is a meeting fixed for tomorrow morning. You will be send a ride to pick you up sharp at 10:00.

Yours Sincerely,
Dylan Christopher Henderson
CEO of Henderson Co. "

What the fudge!! What does he thinks of himself? Adolf Hitler? I mean he obviously does not get to boss me around. "Wait, why am I not hearing anything from my best friends after this." I thought to myself. I turned to their side just to find them both hanging their jaws down while staring at Kate's phone screen.

"What is it guys?" I asked. Being absolutely clueless. 

" It's Dylan Christopher Henderson right?" Kate asked. 

"Yeah. Why? Is he psycho?" Of course no one else apart from a psycho would send such a bizarre mail.

"Oh my God girl! He Is HOT! Good looking! Sexy! Charming! Breathtakingly handsome! I mean those eyes. There isn't a word to describe them in the whole dictionary! Did I mention hot!" Chloe exclaimed all her excitement in one breath. 

"He is a CEO right?! Isn't CEOs supposed to be old? Like uncles?" With this Kate turned her phone to me. 

Crap! He is just like a Greek God. In short PERFECT! His jawlines are more like they have been sculpted by the finest sculptor alive. He is totally something to die for. 

"Black Forest Cake!" I whispered.

"What?" Both Chloe and Kate asked me in sync.

"You guys know how much I adore black forest cake like more than diamonds. He out rated that too. "

"Don't you dare date your soon to be boss Alexandra Caroline Anderson!" Kate warned me. Ouch.

"I won't but I still can admire an eye candy. Oh crap! That reminds I am suppose to look pretty tomorrow for the interview which means you guys are gonna help me to decide what to wear. Plus I can't be looking like a plain chocolate cake without icing on top. If he is the black forest cake than I have to be a red velvet cake a thousand times better."

We started to explore my closet hoping we would find something presentable for me to wear.
Complete one hour and I have nothing to wear and messy room to clean. Yayy me! 

"Hey Lexie leave all this and come with me. We are gonna go shopping since I cannot let you look like crap tomorrow. He is too hot for you to not look your best. So, I'm buying you a pretty pretty girly dress. Kate come on lets pick a dress for our doctor. This could be the launching of your designing career." See this is exactly how my best friend Chloe is. Kate actually haven't really been able to start her career as a designer and Chloe just has to tease her every now and then. 

"Woah can we not go to shopping please?.. Cause I think I may have something pretty for you Lexie. If you want to you can try it. I made it myself and I think its one of my best works." 

"Ooh Katie honey you made a dress! Lexie why not give it a try." Chloe turned to me with her toothy grin.

"No! You know what let it be. We can pick a prettier one from a boutique for you. It might just not be the best dress you could get for tomorrow."

"Hey no! I want that dress Kate! It's okay. I don't doubt your great skills of course. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna look like a red velvet cake in that dress." 

"Okay it's a black one so beige shoes would do maybe." 

Kate's got a nice taste you see and since we are both same size I wouldn't even have to try it. I just know it will be a perfect fit. I can sleep peacefully tonight knowing I might be getting a job tomorrow and I'm gonna look pretty. 

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