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"Where am I?" Spottedleaf asked herself, her tortoise shell pelt not visible in her surroundings. The great battle between Starclan and the dark forest was over... But she died again.... And what would happen to her?
"Spottedleaf..." Said an un-familiar voice.
"W-Who are you?!" She asked, her voice echoing in the dark space around her. It was pitch black there.
"That's not important, but what is important is my offer..." The voice said.
Spottedleaf hesitated, "What offer..." She said, her voice curious.
The voice chuckled, "I believe that you deserve a second chance, a chance to have a better life. To be.... Reincarnated..." The voice said again.
Spottedleaf' eyes widened. "On what condition?" She asked.
" Only if you become Firestar's mate." The voice said.
Spottedleaf hesitated for a moment, what could happen... If I am Firestar's mate, Leafpool and squrrielflight will never be born!! I won't be able to be a medicine cat!! But... Was I happy as a medicine cat?
Spottedleaf sighed, "OK.... When should I become Firestar's mate?"
The voice chuckled as Spottedleaf was left confused. But suddenly the floor she was standing on collapsed, leaving her falling and screaming, light engulfing her as she fell further. This was not the end. This was a new beginning.

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