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Spottedpaw awoke from her deep slumber, the pollen and smell of flowers tickling her nose. She stretched out and opened her eyes, remembering the events of last night. A strange cat entered camp, and Firepaw was blamed... Firepaw!! Thought Spottedpaw, getting up from her moss bed and walking through camp. She looked for Firepaw, smelling the air for any trace if him. She took a step forward, accidental crushing a flower, but she finally found his scent. She smiled and rushed towards the medicine cat den, where Firepaw was with the strange elder.
"Firepaw!" Exclaimed Spotterpaw, walking up to the ginger Tom. He turned around and smiled at her, his fur glowing in the sunlight that illuminated from the medicine den. He took a step forward towards the tortoise shell, before they both heard Yellowfang give out a snort.
"Young love is disgusting,.." She growled, before setting her head back onto the moss bed. Firepaw turned red, and so did Spottedpaw. They started exclaiming about how they were not mates and didn't love eachother in that way, and Yellowfang started laughing. "My my my! Such lies!" She grinned, starting to drift to sleep. Firepaw sighed and faced Spottedpaw.
"So Firepaw.... Do you... Want to go on that walk now?" She smiled, fidgeting with her paws. He sighed and looked down sadly.
"I'm sorry Spottedpaw... I have a punishment... I need to do chores all day! But maybe later when I need to get prey for Yellowfang?" He said, looking up hopefully at Spottedpaw. She nodded and smiled at him, walking out of the small den.

Sandpaw watched Spottedpaw from the bushes.... She didn't like how close she was getting to this Kittypet... 

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