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Spottedpaw was resting in the apprentices den, the swaying of the breeze just right, and the sound volume kept to how she liked it. Total quiet. The closed her pretty Amber eyes, trying to go to sleep, until she heard various muttering out side. She could make out her sisters voice, and what she was saying... But barley.
"-I just didn't expect to be training with a kittypet, that's all!" Said Sandpaw, in her usual sassiness. Spottedpaw heard various footsteps enter the den, but tried to ignore them.
"And here's the apprentice den! This is where you'll be sleeping! I saved you some moss next to m- Oh hey! That's Spottedpaw! She's nicer that her sister Sandpaw... I'll go wake her up for you!" Smiled Graypaw, padding over to the half-awake she-cat. "Wake up Spottedpaw!" He said, padding her gently. Spottedpaw groaned and opened her eyes slowly, looking at the den around her, before looking at Graypaw.
"What is it Graypaw?" She said softly, yawning.
"The new apprentice is here!" He smiled, beckoning Firepaw to come over. Firepaw stepped slowly, quite shy about meeting another cat. When he was finally over, Graypaw pushed him closer to Spottedpaw, and they both blushed madly. Graypaw grinned.
"Ah too bad Firepaw! She's taken! By Ravenpaw!" He grinned as the two started yelling and stuttering.
"I-I'm not going out with Ravenpaw and I-I D-Don't like Firep-" Spottedpaw said over and over again.
"I don't like her! I-I..." Stammered Firepaw, as they suddenly heard a yowl from the entrance of camp.
"What was that?" Questioned Graypaw, looking worried. Spottedpaw looked terrified and rushed out of the den as quick a lightning, yowls coming from all angles, and the ground underneath her seemed to fall apart as she saw a small, wounded cat, panting, and blood dripping from a large wound in his neck. She recognised the cat to be Ravenpaw, he must have come back from the patrol! But here was her father, and Tigerclaw? Ravenpaw looked like he needed to say something.
"R-Redtail..." Stammered Ravenpaw, looking at Spottedpaw for a brief second before looking down. "R-Redtail is dead..."

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