Growing up.

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"I'm gonna get you Sandkit!" Giggled Spottedkit from the nursery. She had forgot that she was a reincarnation, and was happily enjoying life.
" Ha! No way Spottedkit!" Happily screamed Sandkit, even though Spottedkit was catching up with her.
Spottedkit was finally close enough to pounce, so she took a deep breath and...
Tackled Sandkit! They were locked in a battle of who would pin who first, and it was of course Sandkit. Sandkit got up and so did Spottedkit
" Wow Sandkit! You're really strong!" Giggled Spottedkit, licking a small cut on her shoulder.
"And you're fast!" Remarked Sandkit, giving her a playful nudge with her paw.
"You two are getting too big for the nursery!" Chuckled Willlowpelt, grooming greykit.
"Mum!! Seriously! Why are you always licking me?" Squirmed Greykit, trying to wriggle away from her mothers grasp.
"You need to be cleaned, greykit!" Chuckled Willowpelt, grooming her son again.
Sandkit and Spottedkit giggled, watching the poor greykit struggle.
"Muuumm! Your embarrassing me!" Murmured Greykit.
Suddenly Redtail walked into the nursery, admiring his two daughters.
"My, my how you've grown!" He chuckled, alerting the two kits.
"Daddy!" They both giggled, trying to tackle their father.
"Oh noooo. I have been slayed!! Avenge mee!!!" Their father fell to the ground, pretending to die.
The two kits giggled, falling to the floor laughing, as their father got up slowly, pretending to go to Starclan.
Just as the 3 of them Collapsed onto the floor laughing, Bluestar entered the nursery.
Redtail  got up at once and nodded to Bluestar.
"B-Bluestar." He coughed awkwardly. "You have a mission for me?"
Bluestar smiled, "Yes, Riverclan scent has been found on our borders, It may not be that serious but we should still see," she spoke softly, her voice much sterner now.
Redtail got up and dusted the dirt from his pelt "I'll organise a patrol, I'll see you two later." He smiled at sandkit and Spottedkit before heading off on a patrol.
Sandkit giggled, "I wanna be just like Dad when I grow up! How about you?" Said Sandkit looking over at Spottedkit. Spottedkit looked at her father walking away, then to the medicine cat den, where the elder featherwhisker was sorting herbs. She looked around the nursery aswell, at all the happy queens, playing with their kits.
"I don't know..." Sighed Spottedkit.

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