This is a Rescue? (NaNoWriMo)

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Time is a great teacher, unfortunately it kills all its students – unknown

There was no devilishly handsome man striding in the door, magically releasing me from my bonds, nor was there a teddy bear avec uzi. No, ladies and danglies, the eat-glass-and-shit-bricks ugly mug of Ig walked in. Port Authority my beaten and bleeding ass. It seems people were just lining up to sell me out; looks like I’m going to have to go through my little black book and thin the herd.

“We’ve got a problem Rita.” Ig stated, eyes staring intently at my chest.

“Hey cretin, you will call her Mistress Rita.” Stephanie hissed, swirling her whip in the air warningly. I tracked the movement, just to be sure she didn’t surprise me with it. I heard her scoff and caught Ig licking his lips while still firmly locked in a stare down with my nipples. Wonderful to know my breasts are good enough to kill the man’s last brain cell.

“Ig!” Rita tapped the side of the man’s head with the bloody sheath of the wakizashi. The man finally tore his eyes away to glare at Rita and I just silently bled on myself, grateful for the reprieve. Today was starting to seriously harm my calm. “What’s so crucial?”

“The Hounds know she landed but she never checked in at the hospital. Worse, they know something might have happened to her so they’re listening to whispers about her being here. You gotta move her.” Ig seemed perfectly comfortable with ordering women around, the borrowed authority from his duties bleeding over to make him an ugly, condescending ass.

“What the hell are they babysitting this skank for?” Stephanie jabbed the grip of her whip into one of the open wounds on my hip. I grunted and jerked my body away, bringing a satisfied smile to Stephanie’s face. I was going to slit her throat with my teeth is necessary; she was going to be dead before the day ended. Something of my internal monologue must have shown on my face because Stephanie’s smile fell off and she developed a worried frown.

“Ig, you can leave now.” Rita dismissed the fugly man and turned to look at me with pursed lips.

Ig glowered at the two women, resentment clear on his face. He leered at my bare chest one last time, not seeming the least bit perturbed by the torn and bloody flesh that was visible, and then finally left. I felt my lip curl, disgusted by the man regardless of his gender. Male, female, a pervert is a pervert and a slut is a slut. Gender has nothing to do with it.

“Master, do you want me to kill her?” Stephanie asked, fawning a little at Rita. And to my overwhelming disturbia, Rita tilted Stephanie’s chin up and kissed the red head. I thought lesbians were supposed to be sexy; these two just looked like they were spitting in each other’s mouths and licking up the mess.

“It’s like you two are trying to torture me or something.” I croaked, voice raspy from my earlier screaming. My bad-assery was diminished a little by the blood that dribbled out of my mouth as I spoke. Must have bitten through my lip at some point. However, my comment thankfully stopped the public display of disgusting and both women glared at me. So I rolled my eyes skyward and happened to notice a pair of dark, angry eyes staring in through a window on the ceiling. I knew that glower, Rorick was back. I looked away before my interest would betray his location, and smiled  at my kidnappers. Time to bring the brimstone.

“You’re about to die.” I stated in my broken voice, deciding that I didn’t want to give up and die today, so I hauled my own weight up, body folding and arching until I could kick both legs up to either side of Stephanie’s sadistic head. Using the weight of my body, the strength of my legs, I hooked my feet just so, twisted my battered body painfully and broke that bitch’s neck like a New Year’s resolution. My sudden action made Rita freeze for that crucial second and Rorick had a bead on her forehead. It was going to be a masterful headshot. Until the Shuffle fell apart and everything took a time warp to the left.

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