Next Stop: Peace or Piece? (NaNoWriMo)

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The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." -- William Stekel

It felt anticlimactic, watching the revolution from the safe distance of orbit, so I was perversely grateful when someone attacked my ship. There’s only one thing a ground force can do to a ship like mine, a pulse cannon. Great Goddess’s perky tits, I hope they were only using anchors and tethers, if they were trying to blow us out of the sky I was in big trouble. All other awkwardness aside, I bolted for the helm and knew the other two were going for attack stations. Destiny didn’t have guns on her until about my third year with her and they’re still a surprise to those who attack me. It felt a little surreal, issuing commands that Destiny danced in space and we avoided a holding tether. Oh good, they just wanted to pwn us not slaughter and tea bag use while we’re down.

My ship’s defence system triangulated the location of my attackers and I sent them a little ‘how do you do?’ present. It was a smart target bomb, and it would eliminate the big gun. I was looking forward to being able to actually do something productive. Typing into the computer system commands to keep defending herself and jumped out of my chair to head down and kick some ass.

“You’re getting involved in this?” Rorick asked me, helping settle my  weapons webbing in place.

“I’m just defending Port neutrality Roar. Those bastards tapped first.” I replied, doing a buddy check on his webbing because I knew he was coming with me. Van was staying behind to secure the ship.

To my surprise, Dandy and his boys were going down with us. The Doctor too because Dandy had just undergone major surgery but refused to be left behind. What good he thought he’d do in his state, I have no idea, but still he was going.

So we headed down dirt side and cleared it of the Sisters. It was awesome to actually get a chance to fight back after being shot in the back. I’m a woman of action and all this sitting and waiting while there was a brawl going on sucked. There’s a short cut crazy ass people like me take from low orbit ship when you don’t have the time for a shuttle run. It’s like sky diving with an even lower survival rate. Wearing a contained breathing suit with attached landing system was necessary. Because not every planet claims the same gravity as the next, parachutes don’t always work the way you’d expect them to. So instead of depending on a scrap of fabric to save my ass, the landing system consisted of negative thrusters. Instead of pushing us back the way we came to slow us down, these beauties ate the kinetic energy and dissipated the force of landing. Best part was that I’ve jury rigged a conversion system that’ll store the consumed energy so I can add it to the ship’s energy system and give Destiny a power boost. Free shit is good shit and a smart girl can make something out of anything.

The first step of clearing the Port was gaining control of any remaining big guns. There was a smoldering crater with what looked like molten pools of copper from where my counter attack landed. To Dandy’s evident surprise, I wasn’t the only ship’s Captain out there helping secure the Port. To my happiness and surprise, I even recognize one of the other dumb bastards dragged into this.

“Yo Tink, what the hell are you doing out in this swanky establishment?” I called out to the blue haired, three hundred pound  prankster I’d once done a Run with.She had a futuristic looking blunderbuss, deadly and  crude, just like Tink herself. She had her own indenture, and took shameless sexual advantage of him. Which he seemed to like and that was the most disturbing part. Then again it takes all kinds to make a universe so I tried not to judge. I didn’t know if he loved every minute of it or if he was just faking it to have an easier life. It’s one of the reasons I’ve made sure not to cross that line. If I’m with someone, it’s because they want me, not something from me. Without that guarantee, I just didn’t go there.

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