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Play song when meh say
Evan POV
I giggled as I swinged me and. Jonathan hands as he looked at his phone most time but I knew he loved me as we walked to his friend Tyler's party as we walked in "come on Johnny lets go dance" I said "nah you go on baby" he said I laughed as I did I grabbed a drink as I saw my best friend Lui "Ev" he called I smiled running hugging "hey" we chatted for a little bit before i asked if he seen Jon he said he saw him in the kitchen a little bit ago as
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I walked in my smile went down as I saw Jonathan laughing and giggling with a girl he laughed and turned to me as he stopped "shit Ev" he said as I ran out as I threw off the necklace he gave me when we started dating I wiped my tears away as I walked home I was walking I didn't hear the on going traffic the world stopped everything went Black
Jonathan POV
"Where the hell is he" I called out as I ran in the emergency room as I asked what his room "no sir you can't go-" I saw him he was bruised "fuck" I cursed as they pulled me away memories came back he put on my clothes as I said "they didn't look good on him" and the time he was trying to get my attention from other girls then the party if fucking Tyler David and Brian didn't have me meet grace he wouldn't be here I thought of his face I thought as I kissed that slut "sir you need to stay out here" they said "no that's my fucking boyfriend in there" I grunted as I tried to fight them "let him go" I heard a familiar voice fuck it was Craig and Lui as they let go of me "Jon what's going on" they asked "Evan he got Hit by a car" "what happened" I thought "he was at the party with us well" I scratched the back of my neck "he ran out after he saw me with a girl" they looked at me as I felt a pain against my right cheek lui's hand In a fist I guessed I earned it "sir Mr Denis" a doctor said "yes" I said walking up to him "please step in here son" he said I nodded walking in as I saw Evan he was covered in bandages a machine that kept his heart rate it was slow and steady "Jonathan this may looked like a small accident but it was brutal on Evan" he said I turned to him "did Evan ever mention about him in pain" the doctor asked "no not really only a few times" I said "well Evan was well pregnant" he said my eyes widen the amount of times I just thought Evan was not my one he was a side I never gave him the attention he deserved and now he might be gone because of me now "there are possible ways" he said "we either save the baby and let Evan off slow and peacefully or Evan have the baby we do what we can and try and save both lives or you do nothing and let Evan and the baby die" he said "do whatever will help save Evan and the baby" I said "good please step out of the room" he said as I walked back "how come nobody ever told me" I asked Lui looked up "he was going to surprise you for your birthday" he said "but you went to Tyler's party" Craig said I placed my head in my hands
Few hours later.
They been in there for hours and now the hard part as we waited until we heard sirens and we saw Evan on the bed Doctors crowded him "what the hells going on" I shouted I wanted to charge at them as I was held in place by guards and stuff after hours "Jonathan I'm sorry but Evan's life is  fatally lost" he said as he then handed me a child in a pink blanket "here is your child"
Map that leads to you
The cross dresser book is out and yeah sad chapter yeah bye

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