Ch. 3

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This is amazing! Its so much fun working with the different actors in the show! It's only been a week yeah but still it's a lot of fun.

Right now we're about to film the scene where I'm about to escape the lab that me and my "crew" escaped from along with runnning into Natsu's group.

"Allison? Are you sure we won't get caught?" 'Marge' asked me as we tried to escape the lab.

"Positive. We're almost out anyway." I gave her a reassuring smile and glanced back to make sure no one was being left behind.

We reached the door that would lead us to our freedom." Ready?" I swung the door open and ran as fast as I could since the alarm would be set off in a total of 4 minutes.

No one said a word in the silence as we ran toward the black fence. Although the cliche of someone stepping on a branch and grabbing a guards attention right when we have about everyone over except like two people begins.

They mutter into their walkie talkies and I help the people over. Just as they arrived I successfully made it over and urged everyone to run further into the woods where the guards might not find us.

"Scene! Great job everyone! Amazing! Prep for the next scene where we introduce Nicholas's refugee camp along with his people!" Director called as everyone stopped and grinned, high fiving each other.

I get pulled out to have everything fixed  when the director walks over to me." Amazing job Lucy! You literally convinced me in every way that you were actually in that situation guarding those people knowing their lives were in your hands. You have natural leadership. Keep it up." He winked walking away.

"He really likes you." Jane my make up and hairstyles whispered smiling up at me from her dark frizzy curls.

"You think so?" I glanced over at him seeing he was speaking with Natsu.

"I know so." She smiled." Go save some people."

"Thanks." I laugh heading over to the next set.

Before going on Natsu meets up with me." Hey princess. How have the few first scenes been?"

"Fun. We kept falling so we had to do a lot retakes." I chuckled

"Perfect. Let's try to nail this down to one take?" He offered

"Mr. Dragneel are you challenging me?" I question with a sly smirk

"I don't know am I?" He looked over at me with squinting eyes.

"Oh my god." I roll my eyes laughing getting ready.

"Good luck princess!" He waved heading over to where I would meet him.

Everyone in the scene is huddled up so the director can go over a few things.

"Alright! This is gonna be the ending of the first episode. So make sure when running into Nicholas's group of refugees a shock and Natsu?" He points at him." Make sure you give off the leader vibe. Lucy?" He points at me." Be the sassy little character I created your character to be."

I smile and giggle. He grinned." Alright let's go! Places everyone!"

We all get into our places.


"Allison? What do we do now?" A young girl asks.

"We keep walking. We're out and it's all that matters. We'll figure it out on the way yeah?" I smile and ruffle her hair and she gives me a grin.

I hear a rustling noise in the distance that everyone seems oblivious too so I raise my hand to hush everyone.

"Whats wrong?" Someone whispered.

"I hear something." I scan the surroundings.

"Well well well..what do we have here?" A pink haired guy appeared. He gave off a devilish grin.

A bunch of people surged forward as if to back him up.

A low gasp arouse from behind me.

"I mean I could be wrong but what we have here is a bunch of people." I respond sarcastically looking around our group.

He rolled his eyes but laughed." Sassy one are we?"

"Who are you?" I asked

"Your on my turf. Who are you?"

"Allison. What about you?" I say not bothering to argue.

"Nicholas. You all look like you've traveled far. We'll offer hospitality even a home perhaps. One condition, you follow my rules. Understand?"

I looked back to the group and saw their 'hungry' and 'tired' faces. I turned back to 'Nicholas'." Deal."

"Alright! Well I welcome you to Camp Trek."

"Scene! Amazing one take? Well done everyone! We'll see you all next week to see how the episode was reacted to!"

After everyone was returned back to normal Natsu had caught up to me at this point.

"Hey Lucy girl."

"Please never call me that again." I laugh

"So I wondering. We should get to know each other." He goes ignoring me.

"Oh yeah? How do you say we'll do that?" I ask amused.

"A date." I raise an eyebrow and look over at him." A date? The Natsu Dragneel on a date with nobody like me? I'm flattered. "

"Come on! It'll be fun! Just us two." He walked backwards so he could face me.

"Us two? You also include the constant following of your fans and that paparazzi right?" I ask

"Ok something on the down low. Movie at my place? We can order take out." He suggests

"See? Now that's music to my ears." I say pointing my car keys at him.

"So is that a yes?" He asks as we reach my red buggy.

"Give me your phone." He gave me a confused look but obliged.

I entered my phone number and copied his down. I handed him his phone back and without another word I got into my car. Before driving I sent him a text. Before he received it I had already pulled out of the parking lot.

When she returned my phone I could have sworn she would say no. Then my phone beeped.

Lucy 💕
Pick me up at 5.

A grin appeared on my face.

She said yes!

Ch. 3! So hope you didn't hate it :)


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