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I open my eyes and stare at my white ceiling. I sighed out loud. I remember for the past month that would be all I would do. Wondering and wondering about my feelings for Lucy. If they were there or not.

They are there and they're strong.

I hear a small groan and look to my left. Lucy was curled up in a little ball up against my side. I chuckled at how her face scrunched up. Her eyes slowly opened. Her eyebrows came together in a confused expression.

She looked up at me and smiled." Morning Gray."

I felt my heart break a little. Nonetheless I forced a smile." I'm not Gray silly."

"Hm? Then who's bed..oh." She says and looks back up at me her face red." Natsu!"

"Yup that's my name." I scratch the back of my head." Although you seem to prefer Gray.."

"Not at all. This was the way better outcome. Pancakes? Crepes?" She says getting out of bed.

Her statement made my heart hurt less." Crepes sounds new."

"Crepes it is." She runs out of the room.

Minutes later she runs back in." Where's the bathroom?"

I raise an eyebrow." Why do you need a bathroom?"

"To brush my teeth."

"Right." I stand and make my way to the bathroom. She follows me and we both enter.

I pull out a new toothbrush for her.

We start to brush our teeth together. Once we finish we head to the kitchen.

I notice that she's wearing one of my shirts that was really big on her. The idea of her not wearing anything other than her underwear turned me on and I felt Natsu Jr. try to make an appearance.

"Pass me an egg." Lucy ordered which I complied.

I watched her cook for what seemed forever. Finally she finished and I dug in.

She put Nutella and bananas inside of the crepe fold and it tasted amazing.

"Jeez Luce. Cook for me more often yeah?" I say with a mouth filled with food.

"Cook for me next time." She says taking a bite out of her food.

"You like fish? That's the only thing I can cook without burning." I say and she giggles.

Ah her giggle. A musical thing to hear.

"So what's the plan?"

I look away from my crepe and raise an eyebrow." What do you mean?"

"For today." She says.

"Ah!" I finished chewing my food." How does going to the mall sound?"

"The mall? Aren't you scared of being drowned by fans?" She says.

"Nah. I doubt it."

"A mall sounds nice."

"Great!" I say happily.

I see Lucy frown." What's wrong?"

"I don't have any clothing.." she says slowly.

"I do. Uh my sister used to live with me. Pretty sure her clothing will fit you."

"You have a sister?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yea. Come on I'll show you."

We make our way toward the other side of the house. "My sister, Ezra, perfected the floor with the kitchen on it because her night trips didn't take so long."

I turn on the lights of her room.

"Smart woman." Lucy says.

"Scary too." I shiver remembering the beatings I would receive when I crossed her.

"So change and meet me in the living room?" I say.

"Sure." She smiles.

I exit the room and close the door.

I lean against it, smiling like an idiot.

I have a chance.

I can't let it slip away.


It's me again. With another chapter!

Hope you liked it!! Vote comment do ya thang!

Anywayyyy forgive the errors and stay tuned :p

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