Chapter 1

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Here I am, the last day I have of school until I move, to Virginia. I'm on the bus right now going to school. My best friend Morgan always get dropped off by her mum at school in the morning but rides the bus in the afternoon. I'm going to tell my teachers that today is my last day of school until I go to Virginia.

"Hey Morgan." I said scaring her.

"Holy sh*t Ally you almost scared the sh*t out of me!" She said pushing me.

"Haha!" I said back at her.

"It ain't funny Ally!" She said hitting me on the arm.

"Ow," I said rubbing my arm where she hit me at, "you don't have to be so rude about it jeez."

"Maybe you shouldn't have scared me then," Morgan said back at me. "anyways, I'm going to miss you Ally when you move. But hey, look at the bright side, we can still skype call and play Minecraft together right?"

"True, we can still be in contact and we can maybe go on some skype calls with some of my new friends and I can introduce you to each other."

"Ya that would be nice."

"Hey Morgan?"


"What's that?"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot," she said giving it to me, "it's your goodbye present."

"What's inside?"

"Open it dummy it's a present your suppose to open presents if they are for you." She said. So i opened the box and there was a book in it. "It's pictures of us that we took together. I made both of us one so we could treasure this and remember good times that we had together."

"Aww Morgan I love it!" I said. Then the announcements came on.

"Good morning Park Middle School, today for lunch we are having pizza, mashed potatoes, green beans, fruit, milk and juice. For students that are parent pick up your parents should be here at promptly at 3:15. After school tutoring is today at 2:45-3:15. Now please stand for the pledge, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."

"U.S.A.!" yelled Hannah. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Everyone have a great day." The lady on the innercom finished.

My first class was in Mrs. Dunn's, which was English. Everyday I get taken out of class for 20 minutes because I have ESL since I can speak Spanish because my family were from Guatemala. Then I returned to English. After that I would go to art, gym, lunch, math, social studies, science then ce class. I had all my classes except for ce and ESL with Morgan. Before I knew it I was on my bus.

"Hey Morgan?"

"Yeah Ally?"

"Who are you going to talk to once I move?"

"Huh, haven't thought about that. I might talk to Izzabella."

"Ok. Hey, remember that one time you pushed me into the mud when we were 5. Then I just pulled you in the mud with me?"

"Yeah, are parents were pissed off because we were so dirty. Oh and that picture is actually on one of the pages it the picture book."

"Found it, haha we were so dirty."

"Yeah, well got to go, it's my stop. Bye Ally, skype me when you get wifi."

"Ok, bye Morgan." I was looking threw the pictures and then before I knew it, I was at my stop.

"Have a good evening Morgan." The bus driver gave me a smile.

"You too. And you won't see me anymore on the bus. I'm moving to Virginia." I said back to him.

"Oh ok. Well hope you have a good life there. Bye Morgan."


"Hi honey, how was school." Mum asked me.

"Good, Morgan made this for me." I handed her the picture book.

"Awww that's sweet of her to do that."

"I know right that's what I said."

"Well anyways, you should go pack some of your clothes before the movers that's your dresser."

"Ok mum." So I went to my room. It was so empty. Just my dresser was left in my room. I packed the clothes that I needed and went onto my tablet. I went in Instagram to see any new posts that people have posted. Most of them was my friends posting pictures of them with me or a group of friends with me in it. All of them said, "We will miss you Ally!" I commented "I will miss y'all too, well I got to go, we are about to leave any second." I was too lazy to retype it all so I just copied and pasted.

"Ally come on we are about to leave!" Yelled mum and dad.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

"Well you better hurry or else we are leaving you!" Yelled dad. In my head I was saying I wish I would just go slower and they leave me with my family and friends, but I knew they would just wait on me. Besides, the family that you see every single day, the mum that gave birth to you, and the dad that was with your mum while she was giving birth to you is more important than friends.

Well here I am, in the car. We are buckling my brother into his car seat. We put on some music and my dad started driving. Before I knew it, I was asleep. Goodbye Washington, hello Virginia.


Hey guys, just to say, this story is almost the same like mine. I am 12 years old and I did leave a lot of friends and family behind when I moved. Except the states I lived in are different. I'll be trying to make more as soon as possible but ya. Im going to stop talking now .-. Bye!

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