Chapter 5

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"Ally wake up it's time to go to school!" My mum yelled for me to get up. The entire summer has went by really fast and it's already September. The students still hasn't gotten their schedules for school. Me and Emma had a lot of fun during the summer. We went to the beach, went to amusement parks, it was a great summer. But now, it's time for school, homework, and boring things.

I got ready to go to school, and since I lived really close to the school, me and Emma are a  walker. It only takes about 3 minutes to get to the school. The school we went to was right next to an elementary school. They both had the same name besides for the middle and elementary part. I finished getting dresses, ran down the stairs and ate breakfast. The day before me and Emma agreed to walk to school together. 

I finished brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, eating, changed, and got all my things together and I was ready to walk to school. Emma was waiting at her porch on the rocking chair. She was listening to some music because she had earbuds in her ears and she didn't even notice that I was right infront of her. When she looked up she jumped.

"Oh my gosh Ally, you almost made my self pee my pants." Emma said trying not to wake up her twin sisters who are in kindergarten. 

"Well maybe you should've payed attention. And you know, I just remembered something." I said.

"What?" She asked.

"Back in Washington I had this friend names Morgan and she almost said the exact same thing as you except, that she cussed when scared her."

"Oh, do you cuss too?" She asked

"Yeah, just depends on the reason if I cuss or not.

"Oh, ok. Should we start walking now?"

"Yeah." So we started walking to school, I'm glad we agreed to walk together to school because I don't know how to get to the school by walking. It only took us about 2 minutes cause I chased her a little. But we, finnally got to the school and went inside. All the grades were in the auditorium sitting with their grade. We waited for about 20 minutes, I made some new friends that Emma knew, so we talked together. Then someone yelled for everyone to settle down. They said they were going to start with 6th grade and tell the teachers one by one to call the students in their first period.

"We will start with Mrs. Nielsen." Then Mrs. Nielsen called all her students. Then it all the other teachers went. "Now it's 7th grade. Mrs. Brown, would you like to go first?" The lady asked her

"Sure." She stepped up to the podium and started calling all the names. "Ally Addison, Emma Bair, Skyler Blue, Jackson Fare." She continued to all the names and all the people that I became friends with were in the same class. We all had to line up, one behind the other, and wait until she was finished. Then she finnally called the last person. We all started out the door and followed Mrs. Brown. She told us to pick our seats and that it will be our assigned seats unless we talk a lot and then we will get in trouble. She gave everyone their schedules and gave us about a minute to look at it.

"Hey Emma, what's your schedule?" I asked.

"1st and 2nd is Mrs. Brown, 3rd is Mrs. Dawn, 4th is Mr. York, 5th and 6th is Mr. Bell, 7th is Mrs. Lively, 8th is Mrs. Rose, and 9th is Mr. Bell. What about you Ally?"

"1st and 2nd is Mrs Brown, 3rd is Mr. York, 4th is Mrs. Vasquez, 5th and 6th is Mr. Bell, 7th is Mrs. Lively, 8th is Mrs. Rose, and 9th is Mrs. Lies."

"Ok, so we have quiet a lot of classes together and quiet a lot of  classes that we don't. But hey, at least we have classes together."

"Your right, hey, when's lunch?"

"After 4th."

"Ok." Then class started and it was officially my first day of school. Me, Emma, Skyler, Emily, Riley, Katie, and Savannah all went to our classes until 8th period and then separated because we all had a different 9th period class. And it turns out that all of them lives in the same neighborhood as me and about 3 of them lives on the same street. So we all waited for our bell to ring so we can go to our lockers and get our stuff and wait together for the person to say it's ok to cross the road. So we all waited outside and all of us agreed to meet at the park that's behind my house. Then we all did our homework and went outside. After it was 7, I went inside and went on my tablet and played Minecraft. These people on the server is so funny with their jokes and what kind of things they build. Then I went to bed for the second day of school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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