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"It's them!" Astrid mouths from across the room, sticking the tip of her thumb in her mouth. I shake my head, covering my mouth. I was panicking and I knew she could see that.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" Mart scolds. He hands me a pen, shooing me off once again. I squish my lips together, playing with the end of my apron. I had took off my skates earlier; preferring not to crack my head open.

Ethan sits on the opposite side of Grayson, oppucied by his colored strand of hair which was now purple. 

You're having your Hilary Duff, Cinderella Story moment.

That movie is too iconic to be compared to someone like me.

Shit, you rig-- You weren't supposed to agree!

"Hello, I'm Mariana. I'll be your server for today. What can I get started for you?" Astrid fakes a cough, giving me the side eye from five tables down. They both look up in sync, adjusting their seats.

"Water, darling!" Ethan grins. I forgot they had similar personalities. Grayson kicks him under the table, listening to him weep.

I grab two cups, filling them with ice before pouring water into each cup, one at a time. I walk back over, only to see Grayson was gone and Ethan was now alone. I assume he just went to the bathroom or something.

"Here are your waters, enjoy!" I ignore his catcalls. Grayson comes out of nowhere, putting his hand on my waist to let me know he was behind me. He reaked of cigarette smoke.

"How many times are we gonna run into each other?" He muttered, sitting back down. I couldn't help but to think if he meant literal.

"Jesus. You gonna ask us what we want to eat?" Ethan looked shocked. He gave me a sympathetic grin, shrugging at his impatient brother. At least he had some source of respect. I nod, taking away their menus after they ordered.

How the hell you just gonna let him talk to you like that?

I couldn't possibly do anything. No matter how much I've dreamt of it.

Fuck your job. I'm throwing hands.

"Chop, chop. Speedy Gonzales!" Martinez snaps his fingers. I hand him the small sheet of paper, mocking him. My phone buzzed in the front pocket of my apron. I tap the screen, only checking the notification; not unlocking it.

(Ass)trid: Mama swooped me from my misery. Call me tonight. Good luck with your boys.

I ignore her message, peaking over at the table she once sat at. I can't help but notice the way she organized the salt and pepper shakers. All four stacked on top of each other in a bizzare way.

I grab a fresh rag and disinfectant from underneath the sink, wiping down each table that wasn't seated to a customer. A large plastic tray clung beside my hip; gently placing dirty dishes down. I set the bin down in the back, wiping my forehead on the side of my hand.

The set of twins still remained seated, engaging in a conversation. They both look down at their phones once and a great while, before looking back up and showing the other what he had been looking at. Both of their cheeks turn beet red. Memes, definitely memes.

Seeing somebody with no soul laugh at an idiotic post on the Internet almost made me feel whole, like I had accomplished something. His dimples made themselves comfortable on each cheek, smiling from ear to ear.

His smile was no longer visible once he noticed I had been gazing at him. We stare at each other for a quick second, inspecting each and every aspects of his face. My hand slowed down as I was still wiping down tables.

He grabs the plastic stray that sat in his water cup, surrounded in ice. He eventually took a sip without breaking eye contact. I shake my head, walking away like nothing happened. I could already tell his infamous grin showered amongst his perfect teeth.

"Mariana. Go help Jerry with the leak in the men's bathroom. I can't deal with this right now!" He grabs the bin of dishes, handing them to a former waitress.

"I know nothing about leaks?"

"Just do it. I've got tables to serve!"

My body shivers in disgust as I take off the piss infested gloves that bonded with my hands. Two of the sinks were backed up due to poor plumbing, as well as a massive leak in one out of the five toilets we had.

I unlock my phone, checking the time; 7:53 PM.

"Thanks for the help, little lady!" Jerry salutes, putting away the tools he had brought with him. I didn't have a choice, old man.

I smile, nodding my head at him before grabbing my purse and a sweatshirt I had left here a week ago. I threw on the grey hoodie, letting the apron rest cross my shoulder. My keys jingle in my hand, taking my time to unlock it.

"Hey, dollface!" I gasp, dropping my keys. Grayson leans against the brick wall that stood right beside my car; taking another puff out of a cigarette that laid between his fingers.

"What are you doing back here!" I tug on my hair, grabbing my keys off the ground. He stays silent, throwing the small bud on the ground before stepping on it.

"God. I'm so happy I don't do that shit anymore." I mumble, throwing everything in the seat behind me.

"You smoke?"

"Anymore. I said I don't smoke anymore!" He puts both hands up in defeat. It began the last year of middle school; ending sophomore year. Junior year is when I got my shit together and realized I had been doing things for the wrong reasons, including cigarettes. It definitely took me a long while to quit. I still crave them every once and a while.

I worked at a local pet store, getting paid 7.50 an hour. I had known a couple people of the legal age that were willing to buy a fourteen year old squares.

My mother had packs laying around the house, hiding them from her kids. We eventually found out what she was hiding from us. Adam was devastated, while I took advantage of the opportunity.

"Where's your brother?" I managed to speak up, cutting him off before he had the chance to talk.

"Out and about. Probably home by now." He shrugs, throwing the pack of waste in his jacket.

"So he just left you here!"

He pointed with his thumb toward the main parking lot out front. I got a quick glimpse of his 2006, used Range Rover.

"So, what are you still doing he--"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't aware I was on the Jerry Springer show!"

Really. He had to bring Jerry there?

And we ain't talking bout the plumber.

Shut up tha-- okay that was actually really clever. I could feel my conscience flipping it's hair.

"Fuck. I don't know, Grayson!"

I scoff, getting into my car. He walks off, visibly stomping his feet. It's times like this I wish I had a cigarette.



This chapter is shit and I'm sorry. I was stressing like crazy over this.

What's your absolute favorite song at the moment? - 🎤

Love Galore - SZA

Broken Clocks - SZA

I'm Okay - Night Lovell


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