Peter the White-Bellied Sckock

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  This is a children's story I had to write for my language arts class. Please excuse the cheesiness but it was an assignment so--

Peter the White-Bellied Sckock

Peter was a little white-bellied sckock. He normally fit in with all the other sckocks except for one thing.....his name. He was constantly mocked at school for having such an absurd name.

"Look, it's PETER!" said Bogslorsh the sckock one day at school. All the other little sckocks laughed, the way you probably would if someone named P.P Baphrum was in your classroom. Peter sure felt like P.P. Their cruel laughter resonated throughout the schoolyard, from the top of the slide to the swings. Peter felt ashamed at his name. Why couldn't he have a sensible name like Tusheedonkadonk, Mamashlilbabae, Vukagukaschmuck, or PorkygobMcstein? Why'd he have to be called "Peter"?

He wasn't accepted, liked, or included because his name was so unusual. Otherwise, he was a very likeable sckock! As long as they didn't know his name, they liked him and let him partake in their activities. When they found out his name, though, they'd laugh, and not be his friend anymore. It made him so sad!

"Time to come in, little sckocks!" called their teacher, Mrs. Lufvfuv. Peter sighed as he trudged on towards his classroom. In his class, Mrs. Lufvfuv made an important announcement. "We have a new student today! Introduce yourself," she prodded the small sckock standing next to her.

"I-I don't want to," he answered shyly. The class kept insisting until he finally whimpered out a small "J-Joseph". The class erupted into laughter and Peter almost did too. What sort of name was Joseph? It sounded so funny! It-it was... just like his own. He realized he knew how Joseph(snicker) felt. He also realized that while he may be made fun of, he wasn't alone. At lunch Peter went up to Joseph, who was sitting all alone in a corner looking miserable.

"Hi," said Peter nervously.

"Are you here to mock me too?" asked Joseph sadly.

"No, I wanted to sit with you," replied Peter, trying to be encouraging.

"Why?" asked Joseph, intrigued that someone actually wanted to sit with someone named "Joseph".

"Well," Peter replied, "I got a bad name like you too. It's.. Peter." The lunchroom erupted into laughter. Peter was so embarrassed! Why did this happen every lunch period? He slowly plopped down next to Joseph. He would be an outcast. But at least he had a friend to help him through it. .

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