the injury led to this

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So when I was in the hospital bed and zoning out while Ethan talked to me I kinda missed what he asked me. He had asked me if I would go out with  him and you can guess my answer, it was a yes and he said on Saturday night he could pick me up at my place and we could head out to ihop and then we could hit the mall . I of course agreed and he left. So I look forward to Saturday night. There's five weeks of school left and I can't wait till summer, but I have to miss two weeks of summer because my cast stays on for seven weeks and I just found out that Ethan isn't moving that far, he's only moving houses because his mom is having a baby and he lives in a one bedroom apartment with his mom,'cause his dad left them when Ethan was thirteen and he's moving right next door to me and I can't wait. I live in a two story four bedroom house with my older brother Joseph and my mom Carolina and my dad tex ,yeah I know named after states ,but my name is McKenzie and most people call me kenzi or kenz or the teachers call me, Ms.Johnson.

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