asking me out

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So yeah you know how I said my crush was moving soon well today was even worse than that.
So it was Friday and I was in gym and me and my crush have the same gmy period, but the only problem is he's a tenth grader and I'm a ninth grader ,I mean yeah not that big of a problem but still,anyways we we're running and I was talking to my best friend, Spencer and I was laughing at something he had said  and I was not paying attention and I ran right into Ethan, the guy I like and then as I was trying not to fall I tripped on one of the hurdles and landed on my ankle wrong and I broke it so as I sit on the ground holding my ankle and crying, while Spencer trys to calm me down, I see Ethan run and go get coach fridd and when they get here they ask me what's wrong and what happened ,I told them and after all that mess I'm loaded into an ambulance and Spencer rides with me, the only reason he gets to go is because his mom is a paramedic and she was the one in the ambulance so. After hours of surgery ,visitors are aloud in to my room and the first visitor I get is ethan and I watch him walk in and I completely zone out while he's talking and my imagination came up with some weird kissing scene and apparently I missed what he had asked me and now I'm really embarrassed.
               * end flashback*

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