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Hello! In this chapter, I'll be listing miscellaneous rules and tips.

The host will not appreciate it if you are rude and arrogant about a mistake.
Everyone messes up. It's okay of you make a mistake such as tagging the wrong person or using a reply box accidentally. But if someone corrects you, don't get upset and yell back at them. Just politely apologize and correct it. If they were rude when telling you off, that's their problem.

Please don't control other people's characters.
This is a rule on many roleplays,and it should seem obvious, but even a little tiny thing such as:
"Solstice frowned as Falcon looked at her angrily."
If Falcon is not your character, don't write that unless their previous comment was something like:
"Falcon glared at Solstice."

I did that once, along the lines of a minuscule thing like that, and the other person yelled at me for controlling their character. People are sometimes touchy, and it's best to just not get near the line.

You might not want to make your character annoying unless you have known the roleplayers for and have been involved in other roleplays with them. People generally do not like an annoying character, and if you want to make a good first impression try to make your character someone worth looking up to. You can be an example to lazy roleplayers who are far more experienced then you. I'm not saying to make your character cold and aloof and never smile. But just don't make them like:
"Hey Solstice! Solstice are you there? Will you be my friend? You need a friend!"
Trust me I've seen stuff like this. You don't want to seem desperate to prove yourself.

Don't be OP (overpowering).
Another common rule for human and animal  roleplays alike, it means don't make your character able to kill someone or have every power. That's not fair and eventually it's not fun anyone. You will also be not liked very much and severely reprimanded.

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