Am I Jealous?

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Mamoru has recently been complaining that ever since a woman saw him come and go from the penthouse elevator she has been hanging all over him asking him what he does for a living. All the guys just laughed it off and basically said there was no way, he was making it up. A few days later I was getting ready to head up to the penthouse after work just to hang out with the guys when I see a very beautiful woman hanging on Mamoru and he is trying to push her away.

Mamoru: "Ma'am please leave me alone. I am very busy." Haha Sure you are Mamoru haha.

Woman: "I told you my name, hot stuff. Why won't you tell me what you do?" She grabs his tie pulling him toward her lips.

Mamoru: He pulls her hand away from his tie. "Look lady it's none your business, I am not interested in someone like you. You are nothing but a gold digger. Now leave me alone!"

Woman: "If I was nothing but a gold digger I would find an easy target." She grabs his tie again. "Now, where were we?"

Lucy: "You were about to get your hands off my man." I shove my way between them pulling the tie out of her hands glaring her down.

Woman: "Haha your man? Oh honey, you poor little thing you aren't old enough for a mature man like him."

Mamoru: He places his hands on my hips and pulls my back against his chest. "At least she knows how to treat a man." He kisses my cheek.

Woman: She chuckles in an evil way. "Little girl... You can't handle a real man yet. So what is this anyways little sister coming to save the day?" This woman is seriously isn't much older than I, what the hell!"

Lucy: She has pissed me off. I turn around facing Mamoru wrapping my arms around his neck and kiss him, he quickly kisses me back but to my surprise it's very passionate as if there are real feelings behind it. Then to my surprises he forcibly shoves his tongue into my mouth. The moment I start to enjoy it too much I pull away and face the woman. "Don't think a little sister would do that." I get in her face as she slowly backs away. "Now take your sluttly gold digging ass out of here and don't come near my man again." I turn around grabbing Mamoru hand and pulled him to the elevators, only to see Baba standing there smiling, holding the elevator open for us. I look up blushing and say "Thank you" but nothing more the whole way up to the penthouse either Mamoru nor I  look at each other or even said anything.

Baba: "That did not look like something that was happening for the first time. But your actions now say it was, maybe I should have let you two be alone. Sorry." As soon as the elevator stops Baba rushes out almost running.

Mamoru: "Thank you sweetheart." He says as we slowly walk out of the elevator together.

Lucy: "Don't worry about it." I awkwardly looked at the ground.

Mamoru: "Sorry... I think I took that too far." My eyes widen and I finally look at him, he is blushing.

Lucy: I start blushing too "I thought.. I was getting... a little too... into it."

Mamoru: A devilish grin spreads across his face. "Well then." He grabs me pulling me into his room, pushing me against the wall. "Let's find out where it will lead us." Kissing me again, I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away "You surprised me down there in the lobby." He starts working his kisses down my neck.

Lucy: "Mmm" I feel him smirking against my neck as his hands slide up under my shirt. "Mamoru I was jealous... That's why I stepped in." He looks at me and smiles, leaning in to kiss me again. We spent the whole night together.

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